
2009-11-15 7:30 pm
例如本身你的性格是一個斯文,好靜和很少說話的人 , 但當你和你很要好的朋友在一起時, 你會做一些反常的事情例如在街上大叫大笑, 在地鐵上興奮地跳舞或在朋友面前主動結識陌生人。

回答 (6)

2009-11-15 7:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
For example, if originally you are a quiet and reserved person, when you are together with some of your best friends, you will behave strangely such as laughing loudly at the street, dancing excitingly in the train or actively to get to know somebody you don't know in front of your friends.
參考: myself
2009-11-16 3:01 am
例如本身你的性格是一個斯文,好靜和很少說話的人 , 但當你和你很要好的朋友在一起時, 你會做一些反常的事情例如在街上大叫大笑, 在地鐵上興奮地跳舞或在朋友面前主動結識陌生人。

For example, your character itself is a gentle, quiet, and very few people talking, but when you and you are very good friends with, you will do some unusual things such as laughing loudly in the streets, in the subway excitedly dancing or take the initiative to meet a stranger in front of friends.
2009-11-16 2:50 am
For example, your character itself is a gentle, quiet, and very few people talking, but you and you are very good friends with, you will do some unusual things such as laughing loudly in the streets, in subway excitedly dancing or in front of their friends take the initiative to meet a stranger.
2009-11-15 8:23 pm
如果你呢段文字係for一篇formal既文, 我就覺得唔好用you, 所以我會咁寫

Taking this as an example, for refined and reserved people, once they hang out with their good friends, their reaction will be abnormal. They laugh loudly at the street, dance excitedly in public transportation, or meet strangers in front of friends.

希望幫到你 ^^
2009-11-15 8:21 pm
For example one,s own your character , is very polite and quiet , with persons who seldom ,but when you and your good friend are together,you will do some abnormal things and for example cry and laugh in the street,dance or get to know footpath between fields niu stranger volutarily before friend excited at mtr.
參考: 好易通
2009-11-15 8:14 pm
For example one,s own your character , is very polite and quiet , with persons who seldom ,but when you and your good friend are together,you will do some abnormal things and for example cry and laugh in the street,dance or get to know footpath between fields niu stranger volutarily before friend excited at mtr.

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