自我介紹 (英文翻譯)

2009-11-15 6:35 am

麻煩各界好友,不要用翻譯機;或類似翻譯程式 來幫我。會害死人

回答 (2)

2009-11-15 9:29 am
Hello. My name is XXX and I am working at XXX. I found you in an e-mail at my company randomly. To be honest, I do not have many friends on my contact list in MSN, so I would love you to be my friend. Please ignore my invitation and accept my apology if you do not want to.
2009-11-15 7:44 am
I am XXX. I work for XXX. It is my priviledge that I saw your name in one of my company's emails. I am sorry to disturb you. I don't have many friends using MSN, therefore, I would like to ask you if you can be my friend. If you are not willing to accept, please disregard my invitation and accept my apology. Please forgive me if I cause you any inconvenience.

** It is my priviledge that 比較客氣. 平輩論交,少些不必要的客套話會更真誠.

Good Luck.

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