
2009-11-15 12:34 am
分不清楚句子中 have be do的用法

例如:do you a boy?
are you a boy? 有什麼分別



例如:i am playing football 轉成
i was played football 還是i was play football 還是i was playing football

回答 (3)

2009-11-15 6:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
use do/does/did when the verb in original sentence is not is/am/are/were/was/adective

eg do you like(Verb) eating apple?original sentence is You like(Verb)eating apple.

are you boy(Noun)?>>original sentence is You are(Verb) boy
is she beautiful(adjective)?original sentence is She is beautiful(adjective).

to express past tense , you need only change am to was, so it will be i was playing football.
參考: choose me .if dont know can ask
2009-11-15 1:05 am
I was playing football.
2009-11-15 12:45 am
1.只會講 are you a boy唔會do you are boy既

我之前係踢波既= i was playing football
我e+踢緊波=i am playing football
我之前踢開波,不過e+冇踢=i used to play football

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