Do you think news Media in India should behave more responsibly?

2009-11-14 6:48 am
they asks such questions and Twists answers in such a way that it looks controversial. >> this statement from Sachin wasn't controversial at all. this is Media who created a BIG NEWS ( ) out of it!!

What you think?

star me if you like!!

回答 (4)

2009-11-14 6:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
I lost faith in News Channels since India TV happened.
2009-11-14 11:00 am
Media is as corrupt as politicians. It has been sold to big corporate houses and political parties. All media knows is how to mint money.
2009-11-14 7:02 am
ye u're right
2009-11-14 6:55 am
Well some news channels overdo it but I think it was good seeing how MNS are acting stupid in Maharashtra (trying to divide! which is horrible i believe). Coming from a legend like Sachin, it is good that they share these thoughts as much as they can with people all over India. I also like how some channels like my favorite being NDTV openly criticize politicians and government.

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