業內有種說法,做地盤像在打3D game,哪3D呢?Dangerous(危險)、Dirty(環境差)、Difficult(困難)。這是句玩笑話,但也折射出做地盤面對的問題。
Industry in has plants the view, makes the domain to hit 3D game likely, which 3D? Dangerous (danger), Dirty (environment difference), Difficult (difficult).This is the sentence joke, but also refracts makes the question which the domain faces.
makes the domain, the security is most important.The domain faces the security risk are very many: The domain approaches the common people residence, if the domain lives in the construction process to the resident has the influence, the project can cause the heavy losses even to shut down; The project including 4 45 above buildings, the pre-workpiece, the steel bar, the concrete lifts with the balance, the upper air lifts specially many; The domain 80,000 square meters, the peak comprehensive operation, provide the safe working conditions for each worker, achieved the Hong Kong strict laborer legal regulation request, is a challenge.Facing so many risks, domain safety control emphatically in following three points: