
2009-11-13 6:28 am

回答 (3)

2009-11-13 9:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Today was the school activity day. We went to the Tso Kung Tam* for travelling by the shuttle bus. When we arrived, we had the free times. I played a lots of activities. For example, shooting arrows and playing badminton. At last, we left the Tso Kung Tam by the shuttle bus. Finally, we waited for our parents to take care of us at school.


英文係 Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre
如果係既..可以打Tso Kung Tam Outdoor Recreation Centre 係*個度

要泥hand in 一定ok!!
參考: 婷
2009-11-14 4:47 am
Today, the school leads us to travel to Cao Gongtan. We obtain Cao Gongtan while the traveling, then we freely move. I played the archery in Cao Gongtan, to play the badminton and so on activity. Finally rode in a carriage leaves Cao Gongtan, after returning to the school, we waited for that the guardian came jiehui the family
2009-11-13 6:37 am
Today, the school leads us to travel to Cao Gongtan. We obtain Cao Gongtan while the traveling, then we freely move. I played the archery in Cao Gongtan, to play the badminton and so on activity. Finally rode in a carriage leaves Cao Gongtan, after returning to the school, we waited for that the guardian came jiehui the family
參考: me

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