English question

2009-11-12 8:30 pm
What are the sentences meaning in chinese??

- I was thinking exactly that myself.

Why is sentences use "they are of something" 係咩意思? of 可以放係they are 後面嗎?? grammar 岩嗎? English speakers demonstrate how sure they are of something by using words and phrases – and also by using different intonation, by saying things differently.

回答 (2)

2009-11-17 3:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Meaning in chinese of 'I was thinking exactly that myself.' :
'I 我was thinking想着 exactly恰好地 that那般 myself.我自己 '
(過去式句子): 我自己恰好地那般想着 。
'English speakers demonstrate how sure they are of something by using words and phrases – and also by using different intonation, by saying things differently.' -- "they are of something" 係咩意思? of 可以放係they are 後面嗎??grammar 岩嗎?
'how sure they are of something '要一齊看,它是如下逐步擴成的:
sure of 肯定
sure of something對某些事物肯定
they are sure of something他們對某些事物肯定
how sure they are of something他們對某些事物有多肯定
所以不用問"they are of something" 係咩意思? of 可以放係they are 後面嗎??grammar 岩嗎?"。全句grammar 是對的,
'English speakers demonstrate how sure they are of something by using words and phrases – and ...' 解作:「說英語人士 使用字詞和...... 顯示他們對某些事物有多肯定。」

2009-11-12 8:47 pm
I was thinking exactly that myself.
--> 我自己都係咁唸

they are of something 係岩架! :)

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