How much have you improved in soccer?

2009-11-12 4:36 am
I have improved a lot :d. In August I couldn't even get 5 soccer juggles. Now my record is 323 :D. Usually getting in 100's.

Yeah, it is football haha. Just americans call it soccer. doesn't it piss you off? haha. Yeah im gonna keep going.

回答 (3)

2009-11-12 6:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
323 juggles? That's very impressive, especially going from 5 to 323 in only 3 months practice. However, that doesn't really mean your overall soccer skills have improved. In order to improve that much in 3 months, you would have had to practice juggling A LOT. Unfortunately, that means chances are your other skills have probably been neglected.

For example, have your passes improved? Can you kick harder, faster under pressure, or more accurately? How are your defending skills?

If those skills have improved as much as your juggling skills, then you certainly have done great things this year.

(my website: )
2009-11-13 9:55 am
323 juggles is amazing. Actually, I never count how many juggle i can get........
2009-11-12 12:46 pm
what u call soccer is incorrect .the real name is footbal .i was one of the best players in my city i could do about record was 470 juggles..but i gave up the sport becoz i have asthma....u are improving but u can do much better mate kepp working on it

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