Do you think that the Chicago Cubs now have a chance to win a World Series?

2009-11-11 1:40 pm
with new owners, or will it be the same-o same-o?
Yeah, as a die hard fan, I can only hope once again, but I am wondering what the strategy will be.

#!: Do whatever it takes to get rid of Milton Bradley
#2: instead of raising ticket prices that are outrageous already, lower them for all the years of suffering under bad performances.
#3: Any player not living up to their contract should donate their entire paycheck to disaster relief.
#4: Make all players watch the 2009 PlayOff & World Series tapes at least 100 times. The Phillies had the same team batting average.. go figure.
#5: Fire Jim Hendry & anyone else in the front office who has been there more than 10 years.

回答 (24)

2009-11-11 2:18 pm
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The Ricketts family, as baseball owners, are an unknown quantity. Give them a chance to show what they can do.

1. This can be accomplished by a simple unconditional release, and eat his contract. Teams generally hate to do that, and try to recover something, but if the mandate is "get him gone" then this is the most expedient option.

2, 3. Not Gonna Happen.

4. This says more about batting average and how well it correlates (or rather, does NOT) to winning, than it does about the Cubs or the Phillies.

5. This sounds good to me. Fresh blood where the old blood is established as Not Getting The Job Done. (I think this should happen to ALL Human Resources departments, except on a five-year cycle.)
2009-11-11 11:41 pm
you're a die hard,so you naturally think that every year is going to be the year.Milton Bradley was a bad signing by the Cubs,but he is not the reason they didn't win.Kevin Gregg was just as bad a signing and nobody calls him out.Or Soriano.
You can lower ticket prices,sure.But then they'll claim they don't have the money to go after free agents.You can't have it both ways,even though I think ticket prices are out of hand.Wrigley isn't the problem,either.Oh it is a dump,that is a given.But you die hards treat it like it is the Sistine Chapel.But stop treating it like some hallowed ground and blaming day baseball,seating capacity or lack of skyboxes for the Cubs troubles.
Donate their salary?Who decides the players not living up to their contracts?You?Can I decided if you are worth you salary at your job?I didn't think so.This idea was the stupidest of your 5 points,by far.
The Phillies hit for power.The Cubs don't.The Cardinals have pitching.The Cubs don't.Cubs fans are too easily fooled into believing that their pitching staff is loaded with Cy Youngs.Ted Lilly went right back to being a .500 pitcher.Rich Harden ?Check.The "Big Z"?You ought to be talking about him like you are Bradley.But he is so overpaid that I doubt they could find a taker.The Cubs have players that spend more time on the DL than on the active roster.They are too dependant on the likes of Aramis Ramirez,who is a good player,but he never plays a full season.He is always hurt.Find someone that can play all year.Alfonso Soriano.The biggest self cheerleader since Sam-me Soso.No average,not a big RBI guy.Absolutely horrid in the field.And Cubs fans thought he was going to be the next best thing.And Lou Piniella?Can you say over rated?He has managed exactly one World Series champion in how many years as a manager?But you Cubs fans slobber all over him like he is the second coming of Christ.Ryne Sandberg might be a nice guy,but he isn't the answer,either.They need an experienced manager who isn't afraid to make players accountable.You don't need to rip them in public one day and apologize and send them back on the field the next.
Until the Ricketts family grows a set and fires Jim Hendry and the scouting staff they are going nowhere.The team needs to be blown up by someone who can evaluate talent and get it on the field.The Cubs have been lucky to be in a bad division because their record has been very misleading.They are a below .500 team against teams with winning records and quite frankly,that isn't World Series material.The Cubs are a very average team at best and only the die hard sees them differently.
2009-11-12 12:22 am
I dont know what to say about that. the Problem with the Cubs has not been about Spending Money in Recent YEars. They SPent ALOT of money. It has been about the Decisions on WHO they spent money on. Nothing has ever Seemed to work out the way it was supposed to. I picked My Yankees to Face and LOSE to the cubs in the WS this year. But again, the Cubs just did not Fire when they needed to. That is TOO good a Team To be as bad as they were last year.

Rich Harden was a mistake, Everyone said it at the trade.

Milton Bradley Made NO sense, the guy is a Psycho

As crazy as it sounds, I thouhgt they should have left Marmol int he 8th inning and Kept Kerry Wood

Alfonso Soriano is a Great Offensive Player, but He is not a Leadoff hitter, and he is certainly not worth what they are paying him..

It just goes on and On with the Cubs and their Decision making. Yer Right, That GM REALLY hasta go.
2009-11-12 12:01 am
If you are a fan of the Cubs i'm sorry to say they have no chance in winning any time soon. There are too many good teams out there. Not to mention in there division the Brewers and Cardinals are better right now. And in a couple of years they will have to deal with the Pirates. Right now they suck but with all of these early draft picks they've been getting they will do something later, the pirates have one of the best draft system. The cubs won't have a chance with Milton Bradley and Alfonso Soriano on the team. They are really good players but the Cubs need to take advice from the Yankees on how to spend money. There is a reason both of those players have been on more then five teams in there career. If you don't agree with me about that just think, the yankees chose to go after Mark Teixeria instead of Manny Ramirez and it worked. Mark was key in the world series and playoffs with his glove, and Manny missed more then 50 games from suspension and injuries. Until the Cubs get rid of Soriano and Bradley and learn how to spend they're 130 Million dollar contract they won't have a chance. Oh and i almost forgot about Zambrano, he's good but he needs to F off. They can't win with the players they have now.
2009-11-12 12:22 pm
What does the World Series have in Common with a Momma Bear on the pill
2009-11-12 12:19 am
They have a chance, but it's not that complicated, it is the same with all 30 teams, win enough games to get in the playoffs, then win more games than the other guys while your there. That sounds like a smart a** answer, but its baseball, anything can happen
2009-11-11 11:07 pm
18 gibbs 20, they need to keep the whole team healthy. The Cubs had the same problem as the Mets this year with guys not being healthy. The Mets, Cubs, and Phillies had pitching issues but the Phillies had a much better time keeping position players healthy. Hopefully, the Mets and the Cubs will have a better time keeping guys healthy this upcoming season.

They do need to get rid Bradley. Whatever it takes. Cut him loose. Trade him away. Not because he is the root of the Cubs' problems because he really isn't but because of the turmoil he has caused. He doesn't have he respect of the fans. He's been a distraction and will continue to be a distraction the team doesn't need.
2009-11-11 10:05 pm
First of all, the Phillies’s line-up is not a much disciplined one hence the high power and lower average. If you say Cub’s BA is the same as the Phillies, it is mediocre. Phillies’ run scoring ability is speed and power, Cub’s line-up is not bad but not as strong in those two areas.

I still think Cubs has a good team. They have several good players and their pitching is up to the standards, especially in quality start department. Bradley is not the only mistake they made in 2008-2009 offseason, Kevin Gregg was another. Not as bad as Lidge but he did not pitch well. Even though their starting pitching is decent, they have no ace at moment. Everyone in the rotation was underperforming and does not look like they will turn it around against Cards’ aces.

What they need is a refresher of the line-up by adding a bit more athletic players and not only rely on older players. An ace type pitcher (which is hard to find nowadays) and a closer (Jose Valverde, do they have the resource?)

NL central is not that strong, especially when Matt Holiday leaves Cardinals, the Cubs is actually very close to them if they can perform up to the standards.

World Series is a long shot though, unless they suddenly have qualified Mark Prior and Kerry Wood replacement joining the rotation. 2003 was their best shot and they blew it.
2009-11-13 4:11 am
No, the Chicago Cubs are not going to win the World Series. The Chicago Cubs are the most loser teams in the playoffs like Minnesota Twins and Los Angeles Angels of Anaheim did swept in the Division Series all the time.
2009-11-12 4:43 am
No, not by a long shot. Their are many teams that are a much better then they are, and the Cubs need to really revamp their team if they want to have any hope of reaching the playoffs, let alone the World Series.

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