
2009-11-12 2:53 am

回答 (1)

2009-11-17 9:12 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Please check with the HKMA DMS Office for more information.
2.The remaining subjects are The Economic Enviormen, Accounting for Mangers, Operation Management, Business Law and Information Technology. You need to complete and pass those subject before you
advance to Part II. If you have time don't rush choose two subject each time. It would be more easy.
In my opinion Business Law is the dullest subject becasue you need to memorize at the law and cases. The class would be a good place for snap or sleep if the lecturer reading out the context of the text book.
The Accounting for Mangers. Don't panic, I am not good in maths, I still pass this subject (may be my lecturer have a loosen marking scheme). You need to know the concept of accounting how to prepare and caculate the cash flow and balance sheet,
The Informtaion Technology . This subject concern about computer and implanmentation of infomation Technology in company.
The Operation Management is Skill needed in Operation such as manpower caculation. and quality ensurance. (May be not accurate since I had finished it 10 years before.)
The Economic Enviorment (I don't know did I take this)
When I choose subject I would choose one interesting subject with one less interest. The interesting subject means less memorize work to do. less interesting subject need more memorize).
1.The Economic Enviroment + Business Law/Operation Management
2.Accounting for Managers + Information Technolog/Operation Management
Hope this wolud help

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