請各位好心人幫幫手, 翻譯成英文..急!!!!!萬分感謝!!

2009-11-12 2:09 am
關於第四船未能裝完的問題, 我們有以下的意見.

對於第四船未能裝完, 他們表示不滿, 所以我們希望能按照合同上的數量繼續裝船, 以免影響我們和他們的長期合作關係, 我們不應計較眼前的暫時得失, 要看長遠一點, 我們應著重明年的生意, 和他們明年的合作關係.

如今次這件事辦不好的話, 他們有可能會結束和我們的合作關係, 損失難以估計, 所以我們要盡一切辦法去解決現有的問題 和維持與他們的良好關係.

回答 (1)

2009-11-12 4:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
On the fourth ship not Zhuangwan problems, we have the following comments.

For the fourth ship not Zhuangwan, they express their unhappiness, so we hope to continue in accordance with the contract amount of shipping in order to avoid impact on our and their long-term relationship, we should not care about the immediate temporary gains and losses, to look at longer term, We should focus on next year's business, and their partnership next year.

Now times that a bad thing to do, they may end our relationship, the loss is difficult to estimate, so we will do everything possible to solve the existing problems and maintain good relations with them.

收錄日期: 2021-05-03 22:10:09
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