Hong Kong trip costs

2009-11-11 9:01 am
I am just wondering roughly how much I will spend on average between eating, some shopping (mostly small Xmas gifts) and exploring via public transport per day?

I have already paid for my flights and accommodation.

Any help would be great!

回答 (2)

2009-11-11 9:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
Below is the cost that in the "lower than average" range.

Breakfast $20
Lunch $30
Dinner $40

Small gift per item $100

MTR cross habour $10 per trip
2009-11-11 8:09 pm
Average (low or low-medium) spending on eating
(depends on what & where you are going to eat):
breakfast HK$30 per meal
lunch HK$40-60 per meal
dinner HK$60-120 per meal

if you have any question feel free to raise~ :D

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