Michael Jackson有d咩歌係慢又好聽???

2009-11-11 8:48 am
如題~Michael Jackson有d咩歌係慢又好聽???

回答 (8)

2009-11-17 2:20 am
✔ 最佳答案

我想你可能有興趣知道 Michael Jackson 的故事及他的悲歌, 我們是 MJ 的歌迷, 自他去世後, 我們非常傷心, 並製作了一只 CD (MP3版本) 講關於 MJ 悲慘人生的故事及介紹他的歌 (有中文解釋), 由他5歲開始講起, 他如何被控兩次孌童癖案, 直至他去世的一刻, 一個全世界被最多人誤解的巨星, 這CD 是贈予知音人的, 我們曾在沙田 UA 戲院門口派發o

如有興趣的話, 可免費郵寄給你, 請將你的地址 email 給我 (只要是香港地址便行, 或你想任何方法取亦可), 那email 給我們, 我們可寄給你o

我們的宗旨是要將 Michael Jackson 的歌一直留傳下去, 要將有水準及有心有靈魂的作品介紹給現今的年青人, 要將 MJ 悲慘的一生讓這一代的年青人知道, 一個曾被傳謀在這十幾年一直批判的偉大全能藝人o

請將你的電郵地址給我, 那我可以將CD其中一段傳給你試聴o
請回覆到我的電郵地址為: [email protected]

2009-11-20 8:59 am
One day in your life
2009-11-14 8:02 pm
Eath Song
You're not alone
I'll be there
Way of loving you
This is it New!!
Heal the World
參考: 自己
2009-11-14 5:14 am
you are not alone
we are the world(demo)
scared of the moon
the way you love me
will you be there
i'll be there
heaven can wait
stranger in moscow
human nature
i just cant stop loving you
the lady in my life
the girl is mine
man in the mirror

2009-11-12 7:46 pm
I just can't stop loving you!
2009-11-11 2:10 pm
Human Nature
We Are The World
You Are Not Alone
Heal The World
Baby Be Mine
Ain't No Sunshine
One Day In Your Life
Gone Too Soon
I Just Can't Stop Loving You
Leave Me Alone
Rock With You
Off Thw Wall
With A Child's Heart
Stranger In Moscow
Earth Song
Heaven Can Wait
You Rock My World
I'll Be There
The Lady In My Life
The Girl

Hope you like these MJ songs......

2009-11-12 05:50:58 補充:
Who's Lovin' You

Also this song..very good and touching...
2009-11-11 9:25 am
Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone
Micheal Jackson - We Are The World
2009-11-11 8:55 am
we are the world

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