
2009-11-11 6:16 am
我成日作文錯grammar, 但係下次我同樣會再犯同樣錯誤,我miss話我對英文既觸覺唔夠強,成日學左d grammar 求其咁用 ,有咩方法可以改善下?我依經多左留意英文報紙既句式, 但一到作文時依然用唔返出黎


最簡單既句子結構係: S+V+O 一句句子中唔可以有2個verb

咁如果我作一句: I think he is wrong 呢度係 S+V+O+V+ADJ 咁咪有2個verb lo ?

定係應該咁計 I think he (S+V+O) 當一個句子 is wrong 再另外計?

如果我咁講呢句又點: I want to tell you taking drug is absolutely wrong.

請指正我既concept,我e家學緊運接詞, 希望學好句型結構
比d example我, 好似S+V+O咁

回答 (3)

2009-11-11 3:36 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I : the subject
think : the verb
he is wrong : the complete idea (O)

"is" is not a verb. "is" is a helping verb. There are lots of helping verbs, like is, are, am, was, were, also has, have, should, will, have not been, has not been, will not...etc...

So "i think he is wrong." is a complete sentence.

In your second example, the sentence should be written in this : "I want to tell you, taking drugs is absolutely wrong." It's better to add a comma....And you have no problem in this sentence.

Some another 句型結構 are "Double subjects", "double verbs" and "complement sentence".
example of double subjects :
"English and Math are my favourite subjects."
"Peter and Mary went to school together."
examples of double verbs :
"I shopped and watched a movie in the mall today."
examples of complement sentence :
"Our meeting will be held on every Monday, Wednesday and Friday."
("Monday", "Wednesday" and "Friday" are the complement.)

And there's another sentence problem called "Run-On" sentence, which means a sentence is too long. The way to make it clear is...very easy, is to add some commas ans periods in the sentence, to make it clear.

These are the basic grammer skills, hope i can help you to understand more concepts....
2009-11-11 7:42 pm

I think (that)he is wrong

I want to tell you (that)taking drug is absolutely wrong.

而that連著之後果句,即係(that)taking drug is absolutely wrong.
叫做that clause,為副句,動詞係前面,所以得一個。


i feel hungry because i do not eat anything.
此句都有兩個動詞,但是because i do not eat anything.


參考: hahahhahahahaha
2009-11-11 11:20 am
S = I

V = think

O = he is wrong

O 入面可以再用 SVO.
參考: Me

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