English problem

2009-11-11 3:50 am
What is the opposite of offering a seat to the others???
I mean someone rush into the MTR compartment from the platform then occupy a seat immediately.
How do we call this rude behaviour?

I need specific noun.thx~

回答 (2)

2009-11-21 12:37 am
✔ 最佳答案

English problem

What is the opposite of offering a seat to the others???
I mean someone rush into the MTR compartment from the platform then occupy a seat immediately.
How do we call this rude behaviour?

The specific phrase for this rude behaviour is 'grab a seat'.(搶座位)
The opposite of 'offering a seat to the others' is 'grabbing a seat from others'.
2009-11-12 11:51 pm
have a seat argue

2009-11-12 15:58:00 補充:
is arguement,

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