
2009-11-11 12:31 am
本人巳經26歲, 以前讀理科,但中文AL不合格,去了外國讀了degree of business!! 做了幾年工作, 還是很想去做護士!!! 我可否報登記護士課程?會否因為我的年紀大減低機會呢??有沒有這大年紀去讀護士??有沒有一些好的方法去做護士??

I also want to study Master of Nursing, but i have no experience for nursing and no much money to study!


Thank you very much! i want to ask more questions about Master of Nursing! do i have interview for entry of Master?? my result of degree is average. is it ok?


is Monash University in Melbourne a recognized university for CU??

回答 (2)

2009-11-16 12:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
Poly U 2009年起和 CU 2010年起,開辨Master of Nursing (pre-registration program),The programme is designed to prepare those with a bachelor's degree in any disciplines other than nursing to become registered nurses,3年全日制,每年學費約8萬。無需有Nursing Experience,祇要符合入學資格便可申請。一次過註冊護士牌兼Master ,好抵呀!
你話 "no much money to study",看來,你都要考慮課程價錢,你讀任何護士課程(登記護士 / 註冊護士),都要全職攻讀,所以你要响開學前遲職,亦要預讀書呢幾年既學費及生活費,此Master Program是否可向政府借錢交學費,請你問清楚大學。
既然要遲職再入讀做護士,我唔建議你讀登記護士,你已有Bachelor,為何返轉頭讀Diploma?加上現時此行普遍鼓勵登記護士讀conversion course,轉職註冊護士(High Dip),再推呢班High Dip護士讀Bachelor及Master。你前後要用8年及用30萬先有個Master,點解唔直接用3年20+萬讀Master(pre-registration program)呢?
Poly U資料:http://nhs.polyu.edu.hk/sn/eng/textonly/programmes/mnursing.asp

2009-11-17 22:08:16 補充:
CU 要求Bachelor degree with honours not lower than Second Class (or equivalent),不知你提及既average是否等如second hon?
澳洲既Monach 都應該承認,10+年前有多人護士都讀過Monach既海外Nursing Degree。
是否需要interview 視乎有多少申請人,多人報名就好多時要interview。
參考: CU & Poly U
2009-11-11 10:06 am
As your have your BBA, have you thought about to do the Master of Nursing? Why you have to get the EN ??? You can get your master degree in Nursing instead. Australia, US .. they have a lot of master degree you can choose from. Education is another direction.. like Master of Nursing -educator.

2009-11-11 23:04:01 補充:
Unfortunately, you are in hk, if you are in US.. that will not be a problem at all. because your boss will pay for your tutition after you had fulfilled the requirement. my master degree is paid by my employer.

2009-11-11 23:04:19 補充:
Many mid-age student in university are studying nursing when I was there.. some is 40+, they just wanna fulfill themselves. If you can get your master in nursing, you don't need to be a RN, you will be a nurse manager.. as you have your BBA, that will help you a lot.

2009-11-11 23:04:24 補充:
management level --does not require too much clinical experience, specially for the overseas countries.. think about it

2009-11-11 23:09:50 補充:
I won't suggest you to go for EN.. as too much man power for it.. once you graduated, you are close to 30, how you are going to lift patient everyday..?
Or you may think to get your BSN.. if they can take some of the credit from it

2009-11-22 22:06:04 補充:
La Trobe University will be the one in Melbourne, which regonized by CU.. as my professors from LTU come to HK, to CU and teach every year. That is what I know.
To study master degree, they do need to do interview. Remember that they want someone with passion,

2009-11-22 22:06:18 補充:
they are not just look into the nursing skill.
I am 34 years old, do you believe that I am too old to go for my master next year? I am doing my paper work now, asking my reference to write the recommendation letters for me right now.

2009-11-22 22:06:26 補充:
Believe yourself, if you believe that you can make a different in Nursing career.
參考: EN in HK, BSN, RN in Melborune Australia, Nurse manager in New York, US., self experience, self experience, self experience, self experience

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