2009-11-10 10:20 pm
I disagree with leaving school after Form 5 to get a job. According to the survey conducted by the Labor Department, there are 5 percent people are unemployment in Hong Kong, involves 2.9 percent are between 15 to 19 years-old young. It can be showed that the young are more difficult to find a job.

First of all, many Form 5 students have never worked, so they have no any working experience. Also, they are lower education compare with others. If the employers employ them, the employers need paying more attention and time to train them. Therefore, many companies are getting the Form 5 students to the second choice. Facing to this enormous competition, it is difficult to find a good job for the Form 5 students.

Moreover, Form 5 students are very young. Many jobs are not suitable for them. For example the jobs are being existed the high risks or doing physical work that are not suitable for young as these jobs are very dangerous. Therefore, the choices of the jobs are limit for the Form 5 students.

Last but not least, many students are lack of techniques, hence they just find some jobs such waiter or salesman. If the Form 5 students want to find the jobs are more convenience, as well as getting high income. They need to learn more techniques. These can bring a lot of opportunity of jobs for them.

To sum up, the Form 5 students need to pursue further education. Don’t imagine finding a good job when you just are Form 5 standard.

回答 (2)

2009-11-11 12:06 am
✔ 最佳答案
I disagree with [on the idea that students] leaving [leave] school after Form 5 to get a job. According to the survey conducted by the Labor Department, there are 5 percent [of] people [who] are unemployed in Hong Kong. Involves 2.9 percent are between 15 to 19 years-old young. It can be showed that the young youngsters are more difficult to find a job. (difficult唔係咁用~係 it is difficult………)

First of all, many Form 5 students have never worked, so they have no any working experience. Also, they are [have] lower education [when] compare [compared] with others. If the employers employ them (諗諗點寫得簡單D吧), the employers need paying more attention and time to train them. Therefore, many companies are getting putting the Form 5 students to [into] the second choice. Facing to this enormous competition, it is difficult to find a good job for the Form 5 students.

Moreover, Form 5 students are very young (增加下D vocabs immature). Many jobs are not suitable for them. For example the jobs are being existed (如果真係唔識就唔好亂玩花神~being existed?~用having/containing) the high risks or doing physical work that are not suitable for young them as these jobs are very dangerous (死加字數?不是文法問題~但比文法問題更嚴重~像說我媽媽是女性~都說了high risk 還要dangerous???). Therefore, the choices of the jobs are limit [limited] for the Form 5 students.

Last but not least, many students are lack of techniques (techniques?係未想講skills?), hence they just find some jobs such [as] waiter or salesman. If the Form 5 students want to find the jobs [which] are more convenience [convenient] (方便工?講緊咩?唔明~腦海既idea~英文既usage往往比文法更重要), as well as getting high income. They need to learn more techniques (same) . These can bring a lot of [opportunities] of jobs for to them.

To sum up, the (唔好亂加the~你知道the的用法嗎) Form 5 students need to pursue further education. Don’t imagine finding a good job when you just are Form 5 standard. (如果冇果個字都可以表達到同一個意思~咁就算佢係好既vocab都係多餘)
而且呢到用 imagine就麻麻地適合…
[email protected]

2009-11-10 16:09:54 補充:
呢到顯示唔到我係 office word 到刪除左既字~~好似 involves 我係刪左
2009-11-11 12:45 am
i am not good at this, but interest in do this. maybe there are some people can provide better version

I disagree with leaving school after Form 5 to get a job. According to the survey conducted by the Labor Department, there are 5 percent people(which or being) are unemployment(?>adj>unemployed) in Hong Kong, involves(-ing) 2.9 percent (which)are between 15 to 19 years-old young(no need young?). It can be showed(?shown) that the young are more difficult to find a job(jobs).

First of all, many Form 5 students have never worked, so they have no any working experience. Also, they are(+in) lower education(+level) compared with others. If the(Xthe) employers employ(>hire) them, the employers need paying more attention(+s) and time to train them. Therefore, many companies are getting(consider) the Form 5 students to the second choice. Facing to this enormous competition, it is difficult to find a good job(+s) for the Form 5 students.

Moreover, Form 5 students are very young. Many jobs are not suitable for them. For example(,) the jobs are being existed the high risks or doing physical work (strange sentences>many jobs are very risky or physical)that are not suitable for young(youngsters or the young) as these jobs are very dangerous. Therefore, the choices of the jobs are limit(+ed) for the Form 5 students.

Last but not least(tell me what does it mean in chinese), many students are lack of techniques(lack techniques, common mistakes), hence they just find some jobs such(+as ) waiter or salesman. If the Form 5 students want to find the jobs (that/which)are more convenience(convenient), as well as getting high income. (,)They(they) need to learn more techniques. These can bring a lot of opportunity of jobs(job opportunities) for them.

To sum up, the Form 5 students need to pursue further(more) education. Don’t imagine finding a good job when you just are Form 5 standard(level).

2009-11-10 16:56:46 補充:
some words which display incorrectly are not influential to the major meaning

2009-11-10 16:58:05 補充:
Facing to this enormous competition(S),

2009-11-10 17:03:59 補充:
If the Form 5 students want to find the jobs (that/which)are more convenience(convenient),

convenient maybe wrongly used if you or me see/write too fast.
in the meaning , must be easy

answer should be
If the Form 5 students want to find the jobs (that/which)are (much )easier,
參考: 自己

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