What is the name of the movie where he keep getting chances to redo the day for a better outcome?

2009-11-10 2:04 am
I'm trying to remember a movie i saw a while ago and really liked but CANNOT figure it out.
The title was a time and it was about a guy who woke up the person he loved died, and he goes to bed and when he wakes up gets the chance to redo the day and change the outcome. I just don't remember the title to save my life!

it is not the butterfly effect, i've never seen that. like i said, it has an analog time for the title (for example 12:15)

回答 (3)

2009-11-10 2:48 am
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I can think of a couple of films:
If Only (2004)
starring Jennifer Love Hewitt, Paul Nicholls, Tom Wilkinson
IMDb synopsis:
After his impetuous musician girlfriend, Samantha, dies in an accident shortly after they had a fight and nearly broke up, a grief-stricken British businessman, Ian Wyndham, living in London gets a chance to relive the day all over again, in the hope of changing the events that led up to her getting killed.

Three Days (2001 TV movie)
starring Kristin Davis, Reed Diamond, Danielle Brett, Tim Meadows
IMDb synopsis:
Andrew and his high school sweetheart Beth were married for about ten years but their relationship is not as great as it once was, now that Andrew is a high-powered literary agent. Beth is tragically killed on Christmas Eve while rescuing the neighbors' dog. Lionel, an angel, gives Andrew a chance to relive the last three days his wife was alive. But there's a catch, he cannot change the fate of his wife. There's only one gift he can give to save her life and he only has a very short time to figure out what that gift is.
2009-11-10 10:12 am
The one with Ashton Kutcher?
Its the Butterfly effect i think
2009-11-10 10:15 am
There's one with Ashton Kutcher, The Butterfly Effect. It's more of a drama movie, kind of weird. Then there's a comedy with Bill Murray, Groundhog Day. He keeps reliving the day until he gets it right.

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