Do people give tips in Hong Kong and Taiwan?

2009-11-09 10:02 pm
Like for services like waiters, hairdressers, hotel people.
Is it just like they do in the states? If so, how much? Anything important i need to know if i do it?

cause Im goin to these places before christmas for a month (for the first time)

回答 (6)

2009-11-11 4:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Clients do tip in those 2 places, need not be extravaganza as in the US giving US$20 or even $50. Giving small paper notes in their currency will be good enough.
2009-11-09 11:22 pm
I am not familiar with Taiwan, but in Hong Kong, people tip hairdressers and hotel people (ie. people helping you with your luggage). For waiters, restaurants already add a 10% tip to your bill, so the tip is already included. You can, however, tip more if the service was exceptional.
2009-11-11 10:38 am
Tipping is more common in HK than other parts of Asia because HK is more westernised. Tipping is not common in Mainland China and there is no need to tip Macau's casino staff,
2009-11-10 1:44 am
The ways of tipping in Hong Kong and Taiwan are very similar to that in the US, most people in the service industries like waiters, hairdressers, bell boys, taxi drivers... expect a bit more. They expect on average at least 10%. Most big restaurants automatically add 10% service charge on the check so whenever you get one, check carefully before you decide how much to tip. In small restaurants where you pay at the cash register, almost no customers tip at all. Do NOT put cash on the table as tips in these places.
2016-10-16 8:17 pm
In Japan, there became into no longer the custom of "tip". yet, as for the top, it incredibly is now commonplace as a results of fact we are able to learn the custom of countless worldwide places now. we are satisfied if i'm getting a tip via our acceptance. as a results of fact "we are poor, i do no longer regard it as" which I have been given. i became into front table supervisor of the motels formerly, however the information greater effective than 10 funds have been espresso costs of the front table team. contained with reference to the eastern eating place, there's no longer the custom of the top. The substitute once you paid does not elect the top. yet there's no longer the subject whether you provide a tip. the glossy guy or woman won't acquire a tip interior. there are a number of glossy people in a guy or woman of the service commerce in Japan.
2009-11-10 4:57 am
Hk - yes, Taiwan -- no...

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