
2009-11-10 7:39 am

回答 (6)

2009-11-13 12:49 am
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Shanghai finally have their own Disney, and so the subsequent Chinese mainland tourists will be less likely to come to Hong Kong Disneyland. But the world of Disney will give each place a unique feel, so I believe Hong Kong Disto Nepal next will still be very popular.

2009-11-12 16:50:26 補充:
2009-11-14 2:26 am
Shanghai finally has its own Disney land, regard the mainland tourists may be less to Hong Kong Disneyland. but every place in the world of Disney land will unique feel, therefore, believe that Hong Kong Disney land knows in which there will still be very popular.
2009-11-12 12:13 am
Shanghai finally has its own Disney, regard the mainland tourists may be less to Hong Kong Disneyland. but every place in the world of Disney will unique feel, therefore, believe that Hong Kong Disney knows in which there will still be very popular.
參考: me
2009-11-11 3:15 am
Shanghai finally have their own Disney, and so the subsequent Chinese mainland tourists will be less likely to come to Hong Kong Disneyland. But the world of Disney will give each place a unique feel, so I believe Hong Kong Disto Nepal next will still be very popular.
2009-11-10 2:29 pm
Shanghai had finally belongs to own Disney, China's tourist possibly will be like this in the future short comes Hong Kong Disney. But world each place's Disney can give the human the unique feeling, therefore believed that Hong Kong Disney will be in the future still able to be popular.
參考: 翻譯
2009-11-10 7:43 am
Shanghai finally has its own Disney, so subsequent visitors from mainland China would be unlikely to come to Hong Kong Disneyland. But the world of Disney where each one a unique feeling, believe that Hong Kong DISTO the future of Nigeria is still very popular

參考: ME

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