Grammer -- 請問以下句子正確不??

2009-11-09 11:09 pm
I am baffled by giving me two orders to do the same thing.
you baffled me by giving me two orders to do the same thing.

Fiddle crabs thrive under my care!!!

Everyone who entered the ghost house in the Ocean Park was thrilled.

"a man in fat" Technically, it is correct, but it seems quite awkward, you can say "a fat man".

He often Farts, pees, shits, does he have any problem.

You don't disguise you voice, I can hear that it is you.

He counterfeited death to avoid bear attack.

The hairstylist tousled my hair and said it was a trendy hair style.

回答 (2)

2009-11-09 11:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am baffled by your two separate orders asking me to do the same thing.

You baffled me by giving me two separate orders asking me to do the same thing.

Fiddle crabs thrive under my care!!! (Correct)

Everyone who entered the haunted house in the Ocean Park was thrilled.

"A man in fat" is technically correct, but it seems quite awkward. You can say "a fat man" instead.

He often Farts, pees and *****s! Does he have any problems?

You don't have to disguise your voice anymore. I know it is you.

He played dead to avoid the bear's attack.

The hairstylist tousled my hair and said it was a trendy hair style. (Correct)


2009-11-10 10:51:22 補充:

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me.

你喜歡說甚麼且就儘管說個夠好了,我並不介懷。只是如你主人般的看不開放不下,那才叫可憐! 帶著滿腔恨意做人,本身已是最可怕的懲罰;我又何苦再在其傷口撒鹽?煩請告訴她,她的心雖放不下我,然我的心早已放下了她。今次我並不打算還手,不會再讓她當眾出醜;請她放心好了!

2009-11-10 10:51:39 補充:
小狗你若喜歡跟著我走,我當然歡迎! 人生路漫長,有你作伴實在是我的福氣。你雖愛亂吠亂咬,我明白你跟你家主人一樣,仍深受往昔不幸的煎熬;你肯陪著我,我也會好好待你的!



2009-11-12 13:40:21 補充:
To 003,

To 002,



你要繼續花時間誣衊,我毫不介懷;反而深感榮幸,有位才女竟會為了區區在下,由大師變成瘋婦! 勸她放下,還不是為她好?


2009-11-12 13:41:46 補充:
002, Sorry,唔關你事,一時錯手!
2009-11-10 1:18 am
Answer with the prespective of technical writing style and gramma:

I am baffled to have two orders doing the same thing.
You baffled me by giving me two orders doing the same thing.

Fiddle crabs thrive under my care!!!
- ok but if it is a story or report, it should be
Fiddle crabs throve under my care.

Everyone who entered the haunted house in the Ocean Park was thrilled.

"a man in fat" technically, it is correct, but it seems quite awkward, you can say "a fat man".
- ok, see nothing wrong, except should be t after quotes; but the whole statement is very strange.

He often farts, pees, *****s, does he have any problem(s).
- not sure what is wrong except the typo (f) and may be (s) for problem.

Don't disguise your voice, I can tell that it is you.

He faked death to avoid a bear attack.

The hairstylist tousled my hair and said it was a trendy hair style.
- seems ok.

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