used to

2009-11-09 9:50 pm

I used to feel happy for John who has a good wife.

回答 (3)

2009-11-09 11:55 pm
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“used to”用於表達以前經常會做的事情或行為。

一般而言,“used to”通常用於引出行為或活動,即 “used to (do something)”,上述句子中的 “used to” 用作引出過往的感受雖較為少見,但文法仍是正確的。

1) I felt happy for John who has a good wife.
2) I was happy for John who has a good wife.

題外話,英文文法另有 “be used to”,如 “I am used to playing football in the playground after school.”,意即「習慣做某事情/活動」-「我習慣於放學後在操場上踢足球」。

文匯報 – 網上版 – 有關 “used to” 和 “be used to ” 意思的資料
參考: 個人意見及網上資源
2009-11-09 10:23 pm
I so happy for John he has a good wife.
I were happy for John has a good wife.
2009-11-09 9:59 pm
yes. but it also means that you are no longer happy for john who has a good wife

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