
2009-11-09 5:06 am

Kate turned on the tv and then sat dwon to watch her favourite programme.

we waited until Ann came and then we set off .

其實是否 中間有 "and then "的話...就等於無分「先後」 前後都一定 要用過去式?

而句中是"and" 而不是 "and then "的話 前後都是用 "過去式"嗎?


但以下這一句 為什麼 是用「過去式」? 7點不是準確時間嗎?

i met tom at seven a.m. at the bus stop.

回答 (2)

2009-11-09 7:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Then is somehow redundant, since <and> has already indicated progression.

Yes, 7am is the exact time.
But there is no indication of its immediate occurrence, by which the present perfect tense is suggested.

Thus, for simplicity, just use the past tense.
2009-11-13 8:19 pm
Kate turned on the tv and then sat down to watch her favourite programme.
(1.wrong word
2.that kate do the first thing first and then do another thing so it is the same)

we waited until Ann came and then we set off .
(and that sentences...:
U know that 'until' that word is from [1]---->[2a->>b]
like that eg:
we stopped until I came,then we go out the bus. )
3.i met Tom at 7 a.m. at the bus stop.
= =
that is a time,but not U say...
that is the same of the time table...

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