
2009-11-09 4:50 am
本人因氣管問題, 長期食燕窩, 現準備留學澳洲, 想帶一盒'乾'燕窩過去.
想問有此經驗者的意見, THX!

回答 (3)

2009-11-13 6:22 pm
✔ 最佳答案

如果你一定要食,唐人街有得賣,我知Sydney Sussex Street 有幾間雜貨店有售.
參考: 自己-住Sydney 20+yrs
2009-11-14 6:39 pm
absolutely not.

the reason that you can buy it in Australia is because the importer has paid for the licence, and has paid for the custom to go overseas to inspect the product from the exporter.
參考: watch it from tv
2009-11-09 3:43 pm
燕窩 (澳洲佬叫 bird nest)絕對不能 個人携帶入境,遣者重罰及充公。但在澳洲有部份華人店舖有出售,吹脹。

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