Chemistry or biology questions

2009-11-08 11:54 pm
Why is it said that the higher the degree of unsaturation, the lower the melting

回答 (2)

2009-11-10 12:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
因為unsaturation既lipid molecules,有CC double bonding,呢個bonding特性得三隻腳(bonding)會扭曲左lipid既carbon chain,越多既CC double bonding,就越三尖八角,所以越難pack番做固體。

2009-11-09 17:09:17 補充:

但當你用d L型V型既積木,pack個立體,好難pack,所以用越晒角既積木,你到最後都係見到一地都係呢D積木,散修修咁。點pack到個立體呢

其實organic chem入面既原理係要molecule 同molecule之間既surface area面對面既面積越大,接觸越多,咁van der waals force越大,咁melting point就越高。 而unsaturated既lipid因為起晒角,molecule 同molecule之間面對面接觸少左,所以melting point下降
2009-11-09 7:38 pm
melting point is affected by the shape
the higher degree of unsaturation, difficult to pack into solid(unsymmetrical)
lower the m.p.
參考: myself

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