Ever seen that? An adult woman wetting herself?

2009-11-07 2:32 pm
I can still hardly believe what I saw yesterday. I was travelling on the subway and there was this woman about my age (that is 28) wearing a grey pantsuit sitting across the aisle. She was looking kinda distressed and constantly fidgetting in her seat, like changing her position every few seconds and opening and closing her legs. Then the train stopped in the middle of the tunnel and the driver announced over the loudspeaker that there was a little delay due to technical problems. At that her level of distress seemed to increase rapidly and when then train started moving slowly again like ten minutes later, she was rocking back and forth in her seat, her thighs clamped together with a look of panic on her face. Then suddenly she stoped rocking and gasped loudly, her face turning from panic to pure horror. Next thing I saw was a wave of wetness flooding the lap of her pants. Yeah, she was wetting herself! It started dripping from the edge of her seat and forming a puddle around her feet. After she was finished she just sad there starring at the floor with her face beetred. At the next station she jumped off the train and left runing. When she got up I saw that the back of her pants was all wet from her butt to the cuffs.

I know that drunk or elderly people sometimes have trouble controlling their bladders. But this was in the middle of the day and she showed no signs of beeing drunk, so I rule that out and like I said before, she was in her late twenties. So how on earth can a young adult women wet herself? Any of you ever saw something like that?

回答 (19)

2009-11-07 2:36 pm
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Nope, she might have been ill
2009-11-07 2:58 pm
You've got to pee when you've got to pee, obviously she really couldn't wait the extra few minutes.. her biological design prevents her from just whacking out the wang and peeing up a lamp post when she's desperate, so give her a break.

Women blatantly have a harder time when it comes to peeing: not only is it becoming more difficult to find public urination stations, but certain members of the female population merely cannot hold on as long, the pee-sphincter and pelvic floor muscles needs tightening after child birth.

You should've respected her dignity and not made such a big story out of an unfortunate incident just to make you seem like a more interesting person than you actually are.
2009-11-07 2:38 pm
i know alot of people that have weak bladders, and they dont necessarly have to be a drunk or elderly person.
bunches of my family has that problem.
and it doesnt matter what age they are
參考: i know people llike that
2009-11-07 2:38 pm
A lot of people have bladder problems. Sounds like hers was more than acute.
I have never seen that but she may of had some other issues also.
This sounds traumatic to her, I hope that the people on the train understood that obviously, she could not of helped it.
2009-11-07 2:47 pm
Not funny at all , could you have maybe said something to her to ease the situation . Something like " Dont feel bad , it happens to all of us " . And maybe offered to walk behind her so it would not be noticed .
2009-11-07 2:40 pm
I have known women that have had hard childbirth and it affected their bladder control. I feel sorry for the woman you speak of because obviously she has a problem. many women wear depends after childbearing. Lots of them wear pads because they wet themselves sometimes when they sneeze. When YOU get older, you could very well have control problems too. Nothing to make fun of.
2009-11-07 2:37 pm
Of course - No, it's nothing something that is commonly seen, but weak bladder control is not uncommon.

It certainly happens
2009-11-07 2:49 pm
I haven't seen anyone doing like this and maybe she have health problems like bladder control and this strikes to anyone of any age..
2009-11-07 2:53 pm
This could be "loss of control" (if you translate it from Cantonese). It happens to drug users and people who are sick or have health problems. It also happens when you drink too much fluid and wait too long before going to the toilet.
2016-05-23 8:24 pm
I used to have that problem However I was 10 when it all stopped Some people have a bladder disorder where your bladder doesn't notify you when it has to empty itself (the disorder issue doesn't notify you until it hurts, or you really don't know until it's all gone...) and so sometimes you find yourself in public with no where to pee... It sucks, and it still happens to me sometimes, but i haven't wet myself since i was ten... =P But She could have that, a weak bladder, be prego, a small bladder, or an infection. Either way, i feel terrible for the poor woman.

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