修改英文作文,,,急快 20点!!

2009-11-08 12:24 am
I want to learn cook,because I like ate many food ,but I don't like walk to buy the food,so I want to learn cook.I can learn from my mather,father or something about cooking of the book.My father and my mather cook the food is so good. Also,the food is yummy too.New I look the book learn cook,so I can cook many food too.e.g.strawberry cake,mango pudding.....It food is yummy too.

回答 (8)

2009-11-08 3:15 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'd love to learn cooking because I like tasting various kinds of foods. But I don't like taking time to buy ingredients or doing some sort of preparations. I'm rather impatient with that. That is to say, I'm interested purely in the cooking process.

From time to time, I learn cooking from my mum and dad. They teach me all the things about cooking --- from cooking tips and knowledge to cooking techniques. And I also read some cookery books myself and try to follow them step by step. My mum and dad are both great at cooking!! Without doubt, all the foods they make are incredibly delicious.

Now I'm learning some recipes from books about how to cook something new --- strawberry cakes, mango puddings and many many more. They're really yummy too!!


Some other options for the word "Tasting": savouring/ enjoying


savour = to enjoy the full taste or flavour of sth, especially by eating or drinking it slowly 品味;細品;享用


2009-11-09 01:24:47 補充:
其實嚐到美食而大讚出口亦不足為奇. 我有D女同事很熱衷煮嘢食, 例如, 蛋糕, 甜品等, 煮一款嘢食可能會反複試上好幾次, 嘗試不同成份比例所得出的味道係如何. 食物的水準比起某D舖頭可能還要高.

2009-11-09 01:25:16 補充:
另外, 一個同事從前甚至係開食肆, 水準就當然係好啦! (即「出奇地好/ 想像唔到噤好味」 = incredibly delicious) 如果食到呢D美食, 反應大D (用多D形容的字眼) 又點算誇張呢!

2009-11-09 01:27:39 補充:
致於要表達自己的意見, 又何須要對其他人直斥其非呢? 顧及別人的感受應該係意見交流時的大前題. 如果無一顆欣賞別人的心, 事事要去批評, 挑剔, 一定有不足的地方可以找得到,

2009-11-09 01:28:12 補充:
但係用這樣的角度去看世界, 去面對身邉一同學習的網友, 又係咪會好D呢? 自己係咪又會開心D嗎? 希望大家都認同, 在此交流知識, 係人人平等的. 就算真的要批評, 批評都最緊要係夠中肯和公平. 該正面時正面, 該負面時負面, 兩者兼備先致係最全面. ^_^

2009-11-09 03:43:07 補充:

Incredibly Delicious
The Name Says It All!

真係地道用法 (外國人講嘢的確仲意噤「誇」!!)

2009-11-09 13:16:32 補充:
公道何在? 被襲擊者反過來被人話「小氣」!


原來其他人有「攻擊別人」的發言權, 我就連「自保」的發言權都無.

實在太令人失望! 大家可知道「和平共處」的可貴呢!

2009-11-09 13:33:44 補充:
重點係: 不論話邊個「廢話」, 這種不尊重的行為都係我地唔應該認同的事, 大家應該群起來指正他!
2009-11-24 5:41 am
To csrainbowbaby and jennyluvcc:

Yahoo 知識區真的越來越不知所謂,

2009-11-23 21:45:29 補充:

2009-11-23 21:52:08 補充:
以類似的下三流手段批評他人已 屢見不鮮,
討 論 區 、Yahoo 知識區 等等,
此 乃 極 不 健 康 現 象 也! 亦 是 懦 夫 所 為!
看 來 當 局 有 必 要 正 視 此 問 題。
2009-11-15 8:06 am
致: jennyluvcc

可否解釋何謂 [文詞過份修飾或太多虛句(廢話)] 及舉此題的句子作為範例?

2009-11-16 13:55:02 補充:
致: csrainbowbaby

生平最痛恨者為口不對心之人! 指著和尚駡禿驢, 還要不搔不癢的說別人是 [對號入座]! 這對hfchan32003公平嗎? 很多人所認識的hfchan32003是一位坦蕩蕩的君子,皮裏陽秋的技倆, 他就算懂也不會用, 這是他和 [人地] 的分別!
2009-11-09 12:52 am
I want to learn cook, because I like ate many food ,but I don't like walk to buy the food ,so I want to learn cook.I can learn from my mather ,father or something about cooking of the book .My father and my mather cook the food is so good. Also,the food is yummy tooNew I look the book learn cook,so I can cook many food too.e.g.strawberry cake,mango pudding.....It food is yummy too.

I want to learn cooking because i likea eating many good, but i don't like going out to buy food.Therefore, i want to learn how to cook. I can learn form my mother, father or some books teaching about cooking with recipes. The food cooked by my mother and father are delicious. Moreover, they have professional skills in cooking too. Now, i read the books of teaching cooking, so as to cook many desserts,such as straberry cake, mango pudding ... which are tasty
2009-11-08 3:53 pm


2009-11-08 9:33 am
2009-11-08 12:58 am
I want to learn cooking(ger) because I like eating(ger). I don't like buying(ger) food so I want to learn cooking(ger). I can learn from my mother(sp), father or some books about cooking/recipes. My father and my mother(sp) cook the food so well(adv). Also, the food is yummy too. Now(sp) I have read(tense) many books about cooking/recipes so I can cook many food, like strawberry cake and mango pudding. The food is yummy too!
2009-11-08 12:47 am
I want to learn cooking as I love eating. Although I do not really enjoy shopping in the market, I want to be able to cook well.

I may learn it from my parents who always make delicious dishes, or from books by myself and try something new like straberry cakes and mango pudding, which are very yummy, too!


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