I cant agree with you any more

2009-11-07 6:25 am
'' I can't agree with you any more! ''



I cant agree with you any more.

回答 (4)

2009-11-07 8:11 am
I can't agree with you any more. 只有字面上的意思,解 [我不能繼續同意了],即是 [我不再同意]。

但另外一句相似的英文 [I couldn't agree with you more],卻解 [我不可能再同意多些],即是 [我完全同意]。

[I can't agree with you more] 都可以有 [I couldn't agree with you more] 的意思,解 [完全同意]。但如果將 [more] 改為 [anymore],就沒有了同意的意思。

2009-11-07 00:29:13 補充:
如果將 anymore 拆開,改為 any more,即是 I can't agree with you any more,又會解 [我不可能再同意多一些],變成 [我完全同意] 了。至於究竟那人是在說 [any more] 或是 [anymore],語氣或場合都會分得出,不過如果是同意,通常人都會說 [I couldn't agree with you more] 的。

2009-11-07 00:38:33 補充:
對不起,是我看錯了,any more 根本就是分開的,所以 [any more] 或 [more] 都一樣意思。[I can't agree with you any more] 等於 [I couldn't agree with you more], 解 [我完全同意]。

2009-11-07 01:46:14 補充:
再查清楚,any more 原來亦解 anymore。如果我說: I don't know you any more than your mother does. 解 [我對你的了解不會及得你母親對你的了解]。但如果我說: I don't know you any more,就解 [我不再了解你] 了。所以,I can't agree with you any more 可以解 [我完全同意] 或 [我不再同意],視乎場合或語氣。不過,如果同意,多數人都會用 [I couldn't agree more],如果不再同意,會用 [I don't agree with you any more]。

2009-11-07 02:05:42 補充:
情形一: After hearing the other arguments, I'm afraid I can't agree with you any more. 在這裡解 [我不再同意]。
情形二: You made an excellent point, I can't agree with you any more. 在這裡解 [我完全同意]。
參考: myself
2009-11-07 7:14 am
Do you agree ? or disgree?
2009-11-07 6:38 am
I cant't agree with your any more-即係解中文...我不能夠再同意你


2009-11-06 22:39:07 補充:

2009-11-07 6:30 am

I cant agree with you any more.

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