
2009-11-06 5:53 am
Today I would like to share a film with you.It is called The Aviator.It is a biography.It tells Howard Huges a life.

Firstly,huges using his father inheried fortune to break into the movie business,beings filming Hell Angels。He make a movie,he is willing to accept peples opinion and can change his plan at any time.

Imorpantly,he is love about flying.He founds Huges Airways,break flying speed record and becomes the most famous American flyer.And,he had disscussed two section of love,but their relationship is problematic,so he finally is lonely person.

lastly,I would recommend this film to my friend.why? it is because the film is very well,we should study his brave try and he has the goal.Also,Huges make a movie the scence so pageantly.

I enjoy watching this film very much. Thank you


咁請問你明吾明白我想表達 我的題目是: 這齣關係什麼? 他在這齣戲最特別的事? 你會吾推介給你朋友?

回答 (2)

2009-11-06 9:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
It is called the Aviator, which is a biography of Howard Huges.

Firstly, Huges used his father's inherited fortune to break into the movie business, and began filming Hell's Angels. When he made the movie, he was willing to accept people's opinions and to change his plans anytime.

More importantly, he loved flying. He founded Huges Airways, broke the high flight speed record, and became the most famous American pilot. He also talked about his love life in two sections, however his relationship was problematic and he ended up being alone.

Lastly, I would recomment this film to my friends. Why? It is because the film is very inspiring, we should learn from his courage to try new things and to have goals in life, like Howard Huges. The scenes in the movie are also very beautiful shot.

I enoyed watching this film very much. Thank you.

Good luck!
參考: Me
2009-11-06 8:08 am

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