
2009-11-05 7:18 pm
首先, 謝謝你的電郵, 也很榮幸收到你的寶貴意見, 亦謝謝你在這麼多年給予我們長期的支持.

請讓我解釋一下, 我們的確是有其他客人在澳洲, 但他們都是很小的客人, 你是我們最大的客人, 在澳洲是最大的我們當然知道, 所以我們一直報價給你都是最便宜最優惠的, 我們從來沒想過要影響你在市場上的競爭力, 我們亦明白到如果我們影響你的競爭力, 就等於影響我們自己的競爭力, 所以就算我們有不止一個澳洲客戶, 我們永遠都把你們放在頭等位置, 訂單之利潤的百分比也是最小的, 我們已經做到最好了, 希望你們能明白, 能夠給予我們信任, 就如你所說, 我們合作了那麼長時間, 我們當然希望我們的關係會愈來愈好, 但亦希望你能夠明白做生意是如此的, 我們不能夠承諾客人我們只做他一人的生意, 我們只能在他們彼此之間, 分優先和次要的去跟進, 我深信你也很明白做生意的道理, 每人都希望保護自己公司的競爭力的.
我們公司一直把你視作要好的合作伙伴,除了價錢是最優惠之外,付款條約也是最好的,在我們的公司裡, 佔上95%的客戶, 我們都要先收取訂金後才生產的,但我們永遠都給予你優惠, 無論訂單銀碼是大是小,我們都不用收取你的訂金, 這顯示我們對你的重視及信任.

現在, 我們答應你, 我們以後一直都會以最優惠的價錢給你的, 我相信只要價錢有競爭力, 再多同行業的客戶也不會影響你的生意的, 希望你能明白我們的處景及接受我們誠意的解釋,

回答 (5)

2009-11-05 8:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
First of all, thank you for your e-mail, it is very honored to receive your valuable views and I thank you for giving us so many years of long-term support.

Let me explain, we do have other customers in Australia, but they are very small guests, you are our biggest customers in Australia is the largest course we know, we have always been the cheapest quote to you the most favorable, and we never thought to affect your competitive edge in the market, we also understand that if we affect your competitive edge, it means affecting the competitiveness of our own, so even if we have more than one Australian customer, we have You will never regard the top position on the orders of the profit margin is also the smallest, we have to do our best, and hope you can understand, can give us confidence, as you say, we have worked together for so long, We certainly hope that our relationship will become more good, but I also hope you can understand that business is so that we can not promise the guests we are simply doing his one-man business, we can only each other between the first and sub-sub - want to follow up, I am sure you understand the business reason, everyone want to protect their company's competitive edge.

Our company has always regarded you as to be good partners, in addition to the most preferential price, the payment the treaty is the best in our company, accounting for over 95% of the customers, we must first collect the deposit after production , but we will never give you benefits, regardless of denomination orders large or small, we do not have to collect your deposit, indicating that we have your attention and trust.

Now, we promise you that, in future we will have the most favorable price to you, I believe that if prices are competitive, more customers in the same industry will not affect your business, and I hope you can understand our Office King and accept our sincere explanation,
參考: me
2015-10-30 10:11 am
2015-10-23 3:38 am
2009-11-07 2:19 am
2009-11-06 1:43 am



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