
2009-11-05 6:55 am
我係一個f5學生,, 高1米8,, 個樣好普通,, 話肥唔肥話瘦唔瘦,,
有d大隻,, 少少肉地個種,,
有時會笑到傻下傻下,, 個樣望落去有d sporty,, 但我其實運動麻麻地,,
平時講野都癲癲喪喪咁,, 幾搞笑下,,
有d會串人,, 把口有時都幾賤,, 但唔會滿口粗口咁,, 唔會講咸濕野既
有時會同d女仔鬥嘴,, 搏下注意咁
我有時會幫人,, 因為成績ok,, 所以我會教下我d fd

以前我份人好衰格,, 好鐘意出風頭,, 勁浮誇,,
兩年前開始改善,, 依家多左好多fd,,
但硬係覺得自已d人際關係唔係咁好,, 平時d人有野玩都唔會主動嗌我

我點先可以受歡迎少少? 最少要多d人會主動受埋我玩,,
同埋我既表現係咪太唔成熟? 要點先可以改善到?

希望有人可以幫到我,, 唔好copy d ans 俾我,, 多謝

回答 (2)

2009-11-05 10:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Friend is friend, there is nothing to do with your appearance.

You noticed that you were changing comparing 2 years ago. That's a good sign. Everybody with overcome this kind of stage. Some people have good friendship ever since from Kindergarten; some people will until start working in the community. Everybody is different.

I would suggest you be kind all the times. When you alone, or thinking of nothing, review a day what you've done. And think in a good & positive way to correct yourself (if you think you were not good enough). You must have your peers, offer help all the times.
Sorry, I was not living in HKG, I know HKG is full of pressure and stress, but still, you is you. A place that you grow, overcome the feeling, do some exercise you like, don't need to be much...... keep smiling,

When you can change your living concept and kind from your heart, you will attract people, no matter male or female.

2009-11-05 7:01 am


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