
2009-11-05 5:54 am
finish the sentences with 'when' .put in.where necessary.

we should throw it in the bin
we should use our own bags
used a tissue to cover her mouth
you stop your car
she goes shopping

1.________we go shopping_________________________
2.you shouldn't keep your car engine running__________
3.________we throw rubbish away___________________
4.peggy always uses lots of plastic bags______________
4._______jane coughed____________________________

回答 (3)

2009-11-05 6:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. When we go shopping, we should use our own bags.
2. You shouldn't keep your car engine running when you stop your car.
3. When we throw rubbish away, we should throw it in(to) the bin.
4. Peggy always uses lots of plastic bags when she goes shopping.
5. When Jane coughed, she used a tissue to cover her mouth.

The word in bracket is my suggestion to the grammatical improvement.
2009-11-05 9:48 pm
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2009-11-05 6:12 am
1. When we go shopping, we should use our own bags.

2. You shouldn't keep your car engine running when you stop your car.

3. When we throw rubbish away, we should throw it in(to) the bin.

4. Peggy always uses lots of plastic bags when she goes shopping.

5. When Jane coughed, she used a tissue to cover her mouth.

The word in bracket is my suggestion to the grammatical improvement.
參考: 上面個一個人的 !!! €

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