關於香港國際機場..幫幫手翻譯英文 急20

2009-11-05 5:28 am

香港國際機場是國泰航空、港龍航空、港聯航空、華民航空及將於2006年10月啟航的甘泉航空的基地。2003年,香港國際機場以乘客量計是亞洲第3繁忙 機場;以貨運量是全球第2。以國際交通計,香港國際機場自1998年以後即成為全球第3繁忙客運機場,全球貨運則排名第1。

香港國際機場曾獲得多個國際性獎項,2001年至2005年間香港國際機場連續獲Skytrax選為全球最佳機場,在AETRA 2004年意見調查頒獎禮中,獲頒全球最佳機場獎項。而在Skytrax 2006年全球旅客調查中,香港國際機場僅以數千票之差,在全球最佳機場選舉中敗給新加坡樟宜機場

香港國際機場有南、北兩條跑道,均長3800米,闊60米,可以容納新一代的大型飛機升降。至於儀器降落系統精確進場類別,南跑道(07R/25L)屬第 II類,北跑道(07L/25R)則第IIIA類,可供飛行員在能見度(RVR)只有200米的情況下著陸。兩條跑道的最終容量為每小時超過60架次起 降。

主要來說,香港國際機場的 北跑道(07L/25R),是給客機降落; 南跑道(07R/25L)是給客機起飛和貨機起降。



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2009-11-05 5:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hong Kong International Airport is located on north of Lantau New Territories, Hong Kong Chek Lap Kok. On July 6, 1998 was officially opened.

Hong Kong International Airport is Cathay Pacific Airways, Dragonair, Air Hong Kong Express Airways, Air Hong Kong Airlines and will be held in October 2006 that left the base of Oasis. In 2003, the Hong Kong International Airport passenger throughput is Asia's first three busiest airports; to cargo is the world's No. 2. International traffic terms, the Hong Kong International Airport since 1998, will become the world's three busiest passenger airport, is the world's No. 1 cargo.

Hong Kong International Airport has received several international awards, from 2001 to 2005 a row between the Hong Kong International Airport named world's best airport by Skytrax, the AETRA 2004 survey observation, the ceremony, awarded the world's best airport awards. In the Skytrax 2006 survey of global visitors, the Hong Kong International Airport, only the difference of thousands of votes in the election, lost to the world's best airports, Singapore Changi Airport

Hong Kong International Airport, North and South two runways, both 3,800 meters long, 60 meters wide, can accommodate a new generation of large aircraft movements. As for the Instrument Landing System precision approach category, the South runway (07R/25L) is the first Class II, the North Runway (07L/25R) is the first Class IIIA available for pilots in poor visibility (RVR) is only 200 meters from the landing case.

Essentially, the Hong Kong International Airport's north runway (07L/25R), is for aircraft to land; south runway (07R/25L) is a cargo aircraft to take off and landing aircraft.

Currently the airport concourse building with 49 parking spaces located in parking bays on the apron, 28 cargo apron parking bays there are 25. Northwest Concourse of the five parking spaces now available for the next generation of large aircraft parking.

2009-11-04 21:39:12 補充:
The last paragraph

Hong Kong International Airport passenger terminal building by the British architect Norman • Fu Shite design, an area of 550,000 square meters, is the passenger terminal areas of the world record holder.

2009-11-04 21:39:38 補充:
The last paragraph

Building a 3 km-long pedestrian walkway from the 55,000 square meters of glass curtain screen, and 117,000 square meters of carpet.

收錄日期: 2021-04-16 22:43:21
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