主題: 吸收能力差 (中譯英)

2009-11-04 9:54 pm
他平日嘅食量並唔少, 又有運動, 睡眠又足, 但係身體仍然痩弱,
莫非係身體嘅吸收能力差作怪, 定係生活習慣上有其他地方出現問題?
聽講人嘅心境都會影響健康. 人唔開心或者經常處於緊張嘅狀態, 抵抗力都會差D.

請翻譯以上句子, 謝謝!

1) 只要有我滿意的答案一出現, 或者我肯定那一個是最佳的答案,
我通常都唔會等到限期就解決問題 (即係隨時都會解決).
2) 回答者無需勉強自己跟足我的原文翻譯, 只要你認為你所寫的係地道英語就可以啦! 我主要想透過欣賞大家的佳作從而得到多一點造句的靈感.
3) 我保證會尊重每一位回答者, 和不會隨便移除題目 (除非我的題目本身出錯).
4) 如果我自選最佳答案的話, 我會盡可能解釋我選擇的標準, 務求做到一個負責任的發問者. 如果有多過一個優質答案, 我就會將題目交付投票. 如果我作出錯誤的決擇, 並非選出實致名歸的最佳答案, 我僅此表示抱歉, 到時希望得到大家的善意提點!
5) 即使問題己解決, 但如果我找到有用的資料, 我都會張貼在有關的題目, 令資料更加豐富, 更加全面.


回答 (5)

2009-11-05 11:32 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Although he has a large appetite, does exercise, and has enough sleep, he is still weak and scrawny.

Can it be that something has gone wrong with his body such that he has poor absorption, or that issues have risen from his living habits?

I have heard that health can be affected by emotions, being unhappy or in a constant state of anxiety may lead to a weaker immune system.

Good luck!
參考: Me
2009-11-08 3:44 am
He ordinary day is the appetite is not short, also has the movement, the sleep the foot, but was the body still fit weak,

Is it possible that is the body is absorbancy difference unseemly behavior, decides is in the habits and customs has other places to have the problem?

參考: 希望可以help你
2009-11-07 2:53 am
2009-11-06 2:27 am


2009-11-05 9:06 am
It is difficult to understand why he is so scrawny since he has big appetite, enough exercises, and good quality of sleep. Maybe the absorption ability in his body is messed up, or he has other problems in the living habits? I have heard that the mood can really affect the physical health. If a person is unhappy or always have anxiety, then the immune system will be weaker.

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