近期有咩新聞係關於 人力資源管理 ?

2009-11-04 8:10 pm
近期有咩新聞係關於 人力資源管理(Human Resources Management) ?

回答 (2)

2009-11-08 12:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案

2009-11-08 04:18:21 補充:
最新有 SCMP, 7/11/2009
Cathay prevails in pay dispute
Certain allowances are not wages, judge rules

Cathay Pacific yesterday won a court victory, allowing the airline to exclude from flight attendants' holiday pay certain allowances, including travel expenses and commissions earned from selling duty-free goods.
In January, the Labour Tribunal ruled the airline had to take the allowances into account on the grounds that they were "daily wages".
Yesterday, in the Court of First Instance, Mr Justice William Stone ruled that the allowances were not "wages" as defined under the Employment Ordinance and so should not be included.
Stone had heard the airline's appeal last month, together with a cross-appeal from the claimants - Becky Kwan Siu-wa, vice-chairwoman of the flight attendants' union; Vera Wu Yee-mei and Jenny Ho Kit-man. The attendants' cross-appeal had been against an exclusion by the Labour Tribunal of payments to cover attendants' expenses during their stays overseas between flights, known as "outport" allowances.
After Stone's judgment yesterday, the carrier stated that it welcomed his decision, which it said had clarified the employment law on the issue. "[The] ruling confirms that the company's long-established practice of determining statutory benefits for the crew has been lawful," it said.
The union said it was taken aback and disappointed. Kwan said she and the other claimants had never thought the court would have wholly reversed their victory.
"Since the judgment deals with a point of law, it is now the job for our lawyers," she said. "They are studying the judgment and we are inclined to take the case further by way of appeal. We are very interested to find out the reasoning behind the ruling."

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2009-11-08 04:19:22 補充:
還有其他 HR 新聞, 包括 最低工資立法, 教師不敢請病假...
因為字數所限, 不能盡錄. 如有需要, 可以 email 給你
2009-11-07 7:45 am
很好. 無問題^^ 唔該曬

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