煩請translate contract內容

2009-11-04 6:58 am
1a. your appointment shalll start on December 1,2009, shall end on July 31,2009, and shall be subject to termination at any time during this period on two weeks notice given by either side.

1b. notwithstanding the provisions of clause 1a above, you may give in writing less than the required period of notice of cessation of employment on payment to the company of a sum of money equal to one half of the gross salary which would have accrued to you during the period from the actual date of cessation of employment to the date on which your employment would have ceased had the period notice specified in clause 1a been given.

請問係咪話要辭工就兩個星期通知, 如果唔夠兩個星期就要補錢呀 ?
thank you

回答 (2)

2009-11-04 7:53 am
✔ 最佳答案
聘用合約的生效日期是 December 1, 2009,而約滿日期則是 July 31, 2009;這似乎不合邏輯,請複查清楚。


1a. 合約期內,任何一方有權提前兩星期通知對方解約。

1b. 若僱員書面提出少於兩星期的解約通知,他需以所欠通知日數內的全部薪金的一半,向僱主作出補償。

2009-11-05 2:30 am
1a. 你的任職期由2009年12月1日開始,至2009年7月31完結,期間僱主/僱員任何一方提出兩星期通知即可解約。

1b. 然而,你或可以書面提出少於如1a所列明之兩星期解約通知,並須向僱主作出賠償;賠償額由正式離職當日起計算至合約要求的離職日,此段期間的薪金總額的一半。

請問係咪話要辭工就兩個星期通知, 如果唔夠兩個星期就要補錢呀 ? 好明顯係要補錢。不過,如果日期錯誤,合約就不具法律效力喇...
參考: hkslot

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