Runescape Auto plz !

2009-11-04 3:33 am
Can anyone give me runescape Auto fighter ?

i will give him 20 point !

My e-mail : [email protected]

Thx !

plz do not tell me dun use hack / cheat something like that !

I dun care it , just need to answer my question better !


or give me the auth by my e-mail : [email protected]

回答 (1)

2009-11-05 4:37 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Sorry, can`t help you with this, jagex will find out later and maybe
ban your account. So if i help you, i`ll be clinged to this. sorry!

Runescape once said in the Recent News:

11 May 2007 - Bots and Real-World Trading Update

In a follow up to last week`s news post, we thought we`d let you
know exactly what we`ve been doing in order to remove those who
cheat from the game.

Firstly, we`ve been upgrading our detection software to ban the bots
from the game. We`ve also been particularly focusing on cleaning
up the members` version of the game. Bots on the members game
are banned significantly more quickly. Of course, the free version
has seen a fair share of bans, too.

The Investigations in the Community Unit (ICU) have worked hard,
double checked all the facts to make sure we`re only getting the
cheats, and then have banned 19075 accounts for breaking Rule 7.

We`ve made significant progress over the last week, but there`s still
lots more for us to do yet.

Secondly, and equally importantly, as we warned last week we are
now banning people who are BUYING RuneScape gold for
real-world money - those people who are funding the whole problem
in the first place. In the last week we have banned 2300 accounts
for breaking Rule 12 by buying RuneScape gold.

Have a look at the following examples of accounts banned for
real-world trading activities in the past week and decide whether you
think it would be worth risking your account. You won`t get a
warning - you`ll just find your account banned, and that will be that.

These are just 2 examples out of the 2300 total.

Player X

Total Level: Over 1600

Total time in-game: 140 days, 8 hours

Status: Permanently banned for real-world trading

Player Y

Total Level: Over 1550

Total time in-game: 89 days, 14 hours

Status: Permanently banned for real-world trading

A pretty silly thing for them to go and do, I`m sure you`ll agree.
Don`t make the same mistake.

Jagex wrote that and post it on the Runescape web, not me.
So are you going to cheat?

2009-11-05 08:40:37 補充:
And don't use runescape stats changer either.
A Runescape Stats Changer, as the name mentioned, is a piece of software or program that can change your stats easily and quickly in Runescape.

2009-11-05 08:40:41 補充:
If you want to increase your combat levels, skills levels, gp and quest points take time and hard work. Nobody wants to go through the hard work, they want the holy grail to have it right now.

2009-11-05 08:41:38 補充:
With that said, that what makes the idea of a Runescape Stat Changer exciting. Before you continue reading, I’m going to make this very clear, Runescape Stats Changer don’t exist anymore.

2009-11-05 08:42:57 補充:
All Runescape Stat Changer run off a software or program. It is a downloadable program from the website into your computer. From it, you will need to install the software into your program and run from it.

2009-11-05 08:43:17 補充:
After that, you would need to login your Runescape account, and the software will goes to work. All you need is to put in some of the values you want to increase.

2009-11-05 08:43:20 補充:
For example, you want to increase your combat levels from 3 to 99, all you need is to key in that and in matter of minutes, you will see that in your account.

2009-11-05 08:43:37 補充:
If you ask me if that’s true, I seriously don’t know. I heard this from my friends and other website too. The reason I don’t know this is I never tried it before. You know I don’t like cheats, never used one and never will.

2009-11-05 08:46:26 補充:
Runescape Stat Changers can also change more than just your stats. They also able to change your health, so you basically never dies.

2009-11-05 08:46:42 補充:
The danger part of a Runescape stat changer is to find your account information, credit card details, personal data, and email it to the developer who program this software.

2009-11-05 08:46:53 補充:
So, what happens when does hacker gets all these information, you know it… you get huge bills from credit card, Runescape account being hack and losing of your computer personal data.

2009-11-05 08:47:06 補充:
That’s why I never use any Runescape Stats changers.

2009-11-05 08:47:18 補充:
You might come across site to sell Runescape Stat Changer. Run! They usually cost at least US$20.00 and I don’t think they ever work.

Even if they did, Jagex would have fixed that a long time ago. Jagex is always on its toes to fight all these cheats, software and programs.

2009-11-05 09:03:10 補充:
That’s why even if you get hold of a program that’s 3 months old, it might not even work anymore.

2009-11-05 09:11:31 補充:
So, you best shot is to find some secret group who might have crack Jagex’s code and you got it first hand… and what are the odds of you getting one? Not a chance.

So, if you going to pay US$20.00 for that software, I would suggest you either get runescape membership.

2009-11-05 09:12:01 補充:
After reading this, you might still want to Google the words, “Runescape Stats Changer”, you would come across thousands of website on that. Many of them would like you to email them your Runescape account username and password, and they will send you a link.


2009-11-05 09:12:11 補充:
These websites are scams! Before you knew it, your account which you take months to build is gone in seconds.

2009-11-05 09:12:40 補充:
Whenever a website ask you for name and email, make sure it’s a website you can trust.

2009-11-05 09:13:23 補充:
Look for something like that! Now that you know a little more of what a Runescape stat changer is, I’m sure you are smart to know why Runescape stats changers can never exist.

2009-11-05 09:13:33 補充:
Jagex will never let one work for too long and spoilt the entire fun game of Runescape. With that said, would you spend all your time, effort and money looking for one, or use it more wisely to play Runescape…

2009-11-05 09:15:57 補充:
Again sorry but i have to tell you don't use any cheat engine, bots, stats changer, auto fighters or stuff like that. The results - banned, not even a warnning.

...Hope you learn something from that...

Happy Gaming! =]

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