
2009-11-04 3:03 am
我而家o係澳洲讀緊year 10
即係同香港form four 差唔多
aim 入全世界頭十五間大學
澳洲到year 12 要考一個叫HSC 既試
我應該幾時遞application form 呢?
如果我year12 o個年既around 9 月遞表
但係我冇我HSC 既成績咁d 大學點judge 我?
就已經過左截止日期 (十月中)
咁咪即係我要等多差唔多一年先可以apply 到?
而我apply 到到佢通知我收唔收我既時間都有大半年
有邊d 考試係一定要考架?

yes i am australian citizen so is there any more examination or assessment that i will have to take in order to apply to uk/usa universities? i heard that IELTS/GCSE is essential in applying for uk universities, is this true?


also if i believe i achieve pretty well socially and in extra-curriculum activies (like sports and music) and the teachers always make good compliments on my cheerful manner and friendly personality, even if my results normally are like As and Bs, will i still be able to get those top universities?


and also im considering between US and UK universities. people alwyas say that US is about freedomand critical thinking whilst UK is about bottling knowledge in ur brain and its pretty muc the teaching strategy of hong kong.


if im an active and sporty person myself, what universities would you recommend me to go for? US or UK? acually i reckon US suits me better but i like the UK environment better.. and also the course offered in oxford really fascinates me.


i know its pretty weird but i wanna take 'classical archaeology and ancient history' in the college... and the intake percentage of studen is like 25.7% and the average student number is 21.


how can i get in.. my school results are always ranked at the top half (like i always get marks between 80 and 90)... so how can i improve my studies? being a bookworm maybe? but i always object this way of studying as i dont think it works.


so please help me.. its really my dream to get in these universities! thanks a lot!!

回答 (2)

2009-11-04 4:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
我應該幾時遞application form 呢?

You can still enrol in Oversea university at their deadline. University will look at your school result and predict your HSC mark, they will offer you condition entry, that is, given you reach their condition (Such as certain mark for HSC) then they will offer you a full offer.

But by the time you made your application, you must either done HSC (not yet receive result) or are going to do HSC to receive your condition.

但係我冇我HSC 既成績咁d 大學點judge 我?

They will look at your inschool result and then school reference and social reference to determine wether will they give you a conditional offer. If you achieve the rest of requirment listed on the condition, then you will receive your full offer. If not, you will not get any offer from that university.

咁咪即係我要等多差唔多一年先可以apply 到?

Read the above answer.


Read the above answer

有邊d 考試係一定要考架?

Are you Australian Citizens? If not, you will need to take TOEFL or IELTS insprite of you graduating from Australian High School.


No. You need to get More than All-As.

Top 15 university is not what you can get only if you can get extraorindinary result. They also look at your Social and Personality trait. They will look at the stuff you do outside school hours. In most case, you also need other talents (Such as singing, dancing or others) to get into those school. Only academic achievement is not enough to secure an enrolment.

2009-11-06 16:35:52 補充:
First, If you are an australian citizen, you do not need to take IELTS or TOEFL. As you are English Speaking (regardless of where you were born and stuff.
2009-11-05 10:25 pm
For fall semester, most of US schools start accepting applications in October the year before. They usually inform applicants the results in March. Thus if your exam result can reach the schools by mid February, there should be enough time.

You may need to take TOEFL as your mother tongue is not English.

I am not sure why you insist to enroll into top 15 schools. Top schools do not always produce good students. Besides, there is no official rankings.

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