Power supply behaves strangely?
My desktop is 2 years old.
Recently the power supply behaves strangely.
1. Sometimes it turn on immediately when I press the power button.
2. Sometimes I press and hold the button for 3-4 seconds then it power on.
3. Sometimes I have to press the power button once and release then press it again and hold for 3-4 seconds.
The above happens randomly.
What could the cause?
回答 (2)
Unplug from mains then:
Visually check the connection to the power supply form your mains.
Pop the case and check to see that the little cable from the Power Switch is connected properly to the motherboard.
If everything seems fine and yet problems occur, i say scrap this machine and get a fresh one.
收錄日期: 2021-05-01 12:51:17
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