personal writing

2009-11-03 7:50 am

I would like to apply for Bachelor of Economics and Finance at The University Of Hong Kong because I desire to realize rapidly changing business environments in our territory as well as the global economy. When I chose to study Economics in the forth form, I had already developed a strong insight into the structure of our society and economy. As a result, I am enormously enjoying studying economics.

In today’s world, business economics is playing an increasingly essential role in managerial decision making. I want to become an economic analyst because I think that the skills and knowledge I will gain in the course will prepare me for a wide range of careers in the business field. In addition I could comprehend knowledge of different areas of economy which can help me become an outstanding economic analyst.

Furthermore, I can learn fundamental knowledge in economics and finance as well as a broad-based education in financial services in Higher Diploma in Business(Financial Services). It can help me blend the degree course in The University Of Hong Kong. In addition, doing project with group mates and presenting our ideas, I can express myself more confidently and cooperatively as well.

My leadership skills have been developed by becoming monitor in sixth and seventh form. I could learn being more responsible by handling class work and representing my classmates. Furthermore, being the bridge of communication between teachers and class mates, I can learn how to analysis the problems, so my communication skills have been improved.

I can broaden my horizons through joining my extra-curricular activities. In my static side, I enjoy reading The Economist and The Financial Times regularly which can help me to step up my knowledge in the economics field. In my dynamic side, I play in the schools basketball team. By co-operating with my team mates I can learn teamwork spirit. I am keen on sports and like to participate in any ball games, hiking and cycling,

ALL in all ,I am looking forward to getting involved in studying Bachelor of Economics and Finance at The University Of Hong Kong. I wholehearted hope that The University Of Hong Kong give me a chance to adapt the new environment.

回答 (2)

2009-11-03 9:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
(Paragraph) 1: I would like to apply for the Bachelor of Economics and Finance at The University Of Hong Kong. My studying the Economics since Form 4 has given me fundamental insight about how deeply economics is intertwined with the workings of our society, and this learning experience motivates me to go on learning more about both the local and global economy, especially in the field of business economics.

2: Knowing that business economics is playing an increasingly essential role in managerial decision making, I want to become an economic analyst equipped with knowledge of various fields of economics, which, in turn, will prepare me for a wide range of careers.

3: I received a broad-based education in Higher Diploma in Business (Financial Services), thoroughly preparing me for the challenges ahead in the degree course in HKU. Besides academic works, the experience I acquired doing projects with others has equipped me with good communication skills, ability to express my ideas, as well as confidence and team management techniques.

6: I am looking forward to studying... I wholeheartedly hope that I can enjoy my future three (or four?) years in HKU -- a great place for learning and becoming mature..

2009-11-03 01:15:38 補充:
Paragraph 4 and 5: Change your 'can' and 'could' into past tense. You did those things already.
2009-11-03 8:01 am
business economics is playing

=> is => Are

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