star wars the force unleashed

2009-11-03 1:45 am
star wars the force unleashed (xbox360)

1) 我想問,我係"任務選擇"果度,搵唔到第一關,即係用黑武士個關,係唔係一定要每次開新save先玩到個關架???
2) 我個主角的尾2個套衫Jedi Adventurer Costume(即係最右手面數去左手面的第二件,黑色衫好似黑武士的個件咁),係input code度輸入左"HOLOCRON",跟着佢都話unlock左件衫,但係我去到幫主角換衫果度,件衫仲係lock着,試左好多次都仲係咁,點算?????

回答 (1)

2009-11-07 2:03 am
✔ 最佳答案

that video tell you how to get the "sith robe "which is the input code"HOLOCRON"at the time 4:45 in the video.

about the mission one, i think you need to create a new save, before you can use Darth Vader .

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