f.4 quadratic functions---

2009-11-02 8:01 am
Write down a quadratic equation in x with roots 1 and -2.


The graph of the function y = k(k+α)(x-β) cuts the x-axis at A(1,0) and B(-2,0), and its y-intercept is -4 where k, α and β are positive constants. From the result of (a), find the values of α,β and k.

回答 (1)

2009-11-02 8:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
(a) Sum of roots = - 1

Product of roots = - 2

Equation: x2 + x - 2 = 0

(b) After expanding, the equation should be of the form:

y = k(x2 + x - 2)

since the equation y = 0 has x = 1 and -2 as roots.

Thus β = 1 and α = 2

Finally, - 2k is the y-intercept, giving k = 2
參考: Myself

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