
2009-11-02 7:13 am


回答 (4)

2009-11-05 4:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Leisure and Cultural Services Department, the predecessor of the Urban Council and Regional Council, the management of the Urban Services Department and Regional Services Department. Urban Council and Regional Council on January 1, 2000, was the then Chief Executive Tung Chee-hwa to implement the reform of municipal services, the two grounds together with the dissolution of the Urban Services Department, Urban Services Department and Regional Services Department was dissolved and reorganization FEHD and LCSD.

Department was first set up in order to "reach a new impetus to cultural and recreational activities in Shape" as the image of the banner.
2009-11-04 11:14 pm
Peace and happiness and the cultural business's bureau predecessor, is the municipal administration head office which and the region municipal administration head office manages by the city political situation and the regional council. The city political situation and the regional council in January 1, 2000, take is carried out by chief executive Tung Chee Hwa then the municipal administration service reform as by, but one and dismisses two municipal administration head office, the municipal administration head office and the region municipal administration head office dismisses and reorganizes for Shihuanshu and Kang Wenshu.

Kang Wenshu establishes the initial period, by “condenses the new power, Wen the Kang exhibition new attitude” takes the vivid slogan.
2009-11-02 6:11 pm
The Leisure and Cultural Services Department, formerly known by the Urban Council and Regional Council on the management of the Urban Services Department and Regional Services Department.The Urban Council and Regional Council in 2000 was 1 January of the Chief Executive Tung Chee Hwa, at the time to implement the reform of the responsibilities of municipal services will be one of the two municipal services departments and the dissolution of the Urban Services Department and Regional Services Department are dissolved and restructure to a FEHD and LCSD.

LCSD's inception, to "strengthening the new power, the slogan" as the image on a new look.
參考: me a
2009-11-02 4:59 pm
Peace and happiness and the cultural business bureau predecessor, is the municipal administration head office and the region municipal administration head office which manages by the city political situation and the region city political situation.But the city political situation and the region city political situation in January 1, 2000, take is carried out by chief executive Dong Jianhua then the municipal administration service reform as by one and dismisses two municipal administration head office, the municipal administration head office and the region municipal administration head office dismisses and reorganizes for the food link bureau and Kang Wenshu.
Kang Wenshu establishes the initial period, by “condenses the new power, Wen Kang unfolds the new attitude” to take the vivid slogan.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 20:19:58
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