
2009-11-02 12:42 am

我是chiu yin ling的母親,我們的關係十分親密,在假日,我們經常一起逛街,一起玩遊戲機,在測驗考驗的時候,我也會協助她溫習.除此之外,我們也會常常一起談心事,她在學校的生活趣事,遇到的困難也會與我分享,因此,彼此十分信任大家。


有時候,我們也有意見不一的時候,我明白青春期的青少年是比較有自己的想法,意見,什麼事也想去嘗試。所以有時總有吵架的時候,但是很快又可以解決問題了。我會心平氣和地與她傾訴,了解她的想法,她也願意說出自己的意見和感受,所以,很多問題我們都能容易解決。也正因為這樣,我認為她是個感熟的孩子,她現在14years old ,但她沒有經常受到煩惱的原因而胡亂發脾氣,因為她不會把自己的喜怒衰樂收下來,她會與分享,傾訴,因此我很清楚她的想法。我想她是個自律性很高的小孩,她會在讀書的時間溫習,在該放鬆的時候玩耍,可算是個懂的分配時間的小孩,我也為此感到安慰。




回答 (2)

2009-11-02 2:11 am
✔ 最佳答案
I was chiu yin ling's mother, our relations are very close during the holidays, we often went shopping together, playing games, testing the test, I will help her study. In addition, we will often join On their minds, her life in the school's interesting to the difficulties encountered will be with me to share, so we trust each other very much.
Often learn about her daughter's classmates at school and daily life, but also knew that she had a lot of good friends, good interpersonal relationships, and sometimes there are misunderstandings between she and her classmates, she would come to me to talk, soon she and her classmates relations will recover, usually she likes to help students, so she had difficulty, her classmates would help her, encourage her.


2009-11-01 18:14:53 補充:
Sometimes, we also have a difference of opinion, I understand that adolescence is a more have their own ideas, opinions, what happened to want to try. So sometimes there is always time to quarrel, but the problem can be resolved quickly.

2009-11-01 18:15:21 補充:
I would calmly talk with her to understand her thoughts, she is willing to express their views and feelings, so we can easily solve many problems.

2009-11-01 18:15:53 補充:
It is because of this, I think she was a familiar sense of a child, she is now 14years old, but she did not often cause trouble sake of temper, because she does not own Xinu close down the bad music, and she will share the , to talk, so I know how she feels.

2009-11-01 18:16:14 補充:
I think she is a highly self-disciplined child, she will be studying the time study, in which the relaxation time of play, may be regarded as the allocation of time for children to understand, I have this comfort.

2009-11-01 18:17:30 補充:
For a challenging or difficult, I think he can be overcome, because he is ready to try a child, for challenging things, and she will be more active to try, tried once, in her third grade when the teacher called her toward school students to lead prayer,

2009-11-01 18:17:39 補充:
this is her first towards the school said a student, I am very worried about her, but she said to me: "Mom, I will try." when I began to think she must have been afraid of difficulties, the courage to try people.

2009-11-01 18:17:48 補充:
For the face of the new environment, my child is absolutely no problem in eating, he usually did not fail to do, and she loves to eat fruits and vegetables, such as: orange, banana, pineapple,

2009-11-01 18:17:59 補充:
she ...... resistance is also very good, very rarely sick, so things do not have any disability, physical good that even very little cold. On the psychological front, she likes to explore new things, for the new environment can be quickly adapted.

2009-11-01 18:18:04 補充:
Her character is very cheerful, lively, and also likes to meet new friends, experience new things. So she could to the field life, I absolutely support and confidence in her.
2009-11-02 12:58 am
I was chiu yin ling's mother, our relationship is very close, in the holidays, we often went shopping together, playing games, testing the test, I will help her study. In addition, we will often join On their minds, her life in the school's interesting to the difficulties encountered will be with me to share, so we trust each other very much.
Often learn about her daughter's classmates at school and daily life, but also knew that she had a lot of good friends, good interpersonal relationships, and sometimes there are misunderstandings between she and her classmates, she would come to me to talk, soon she and her classmates The relationship will recover, usually she likes to help students, so she had difficulty, her classmates would help her, encourage her.

2009-11-01 16:59:59 補充:
as i can type many words pleease see http://translate.google.com.hk/translate_t#

2009-11-01 17:00:42 補充:
Sorry i have type wrong words
as i can't type many words pleease see http://translate.google.com.hk/translate_t#

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