Does a netbook have Microsoft word ?

2009-10-31 4:26 pm
im interested in buying a netbook, but i would like to know if i can acess Microsoft Word in it ?

回答 (3)

2009-10-31 4:30 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Netbooks can run Microsoft Office.
But it's not preinstalled on it, no computer has the full version of office preinstalled. But I'm sure there's a trail version somewhere in there.
2009-10-31 4:34 pm
you dont have to have M$ office all the time.
try staroffice, it is free. or u can torrent it from the net.
who would pay for software for the cost of a notebook way
2009-10-31 4:34 pm
you could by it. just make sure you have enough power on the computer to run it.
hoefully you have at least a 80gb drive and 1gb memory.

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