
2009-11-01 1:09 am
I usually felt upset in the quizzes because I always did badly in the tests.

miss成日話我sentence too simple....而我用得最多係呢類...我想問有冇其他句形代替佢??

1. In this way
2. Besides
3. every day
4. study learning
5. easily


回答 (5)

2009-11-01 7:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i usually feel upset about my quiz results because i always receive bad marks.

In this way-According to this...
Besides- Another reason, On the other head
Everyday- Each day
Easily- effortlessly, with no sweat

i hope this would help u ^^

2009-11-01 11:14:10 補充:
always in ur sentence means that u keep receiving bad marks, not only in the past, it's continuing (sadly...), so i think u should use present tense for the sentence...

2009-11-01 11:14:23 補充:
btw, i think ur english is pretty good... well, what do you expect? u r only a student from Hong Kong, it's not like everyone's an expert, i bet ur english teacher speaks with an accent too...

2009-11-01 11:14:29 補充:
i don't think ur sentence is that simple... it's ok! If u want to improve, then just read more english books and u will get better! =]
參考: , me!, me!, me!
2009-11-01 6:10 am
I was used to feeling upset in the quizzes owing to my awful doing in the tests.

2009-10-31 22:24:31 補充:
1. such
5. prosperouslv swimmingly fluently smoothly simply effortlessly
2. Furthermore Moreover By the way
3. 每天沒同義詞 可用 habitually usually always....
4. 沒同義詞

2009-10-31 22:24:39 補充:
p.s.其實你英文唔差 你Band 1? 老師好嚴
你可以用多D 你學過既Grammar
e.g. Relative Clauses / Conditionals / Connectives / Adjective clauses / simile 等等

I like playing football. Playing football is exciting. I am very happy.<<<<呢D咪低層次囉!

2009-10-31 22:28:31 補充:
可以用owing to表達原因
owing to後面要擺noun phrase

2009-10-31 22:33:32 補充:
仲有 , 你 usually 用得好 , 不過呢個 vocab common D
所以咪話你 too simple 囉
仲有我懷疑你學校係Band 1黎-_-"
可以用 be used to 表達習慣既動作
你識用 be used to 起碼係老師心目中你係高層次D

2009-10-31 22:37:54 補充:
參考: By myself, By myself, By myself, By myself, By myself, By myself
2009-11-01 3:12 am
1) Since I always did badly in the quizzes and tests, I usually felt upset.
2) I always did badly in the quizzes and tests, so I usually felt upset.
2009-11-01 2:51 am


2009-11-01 1:59 am
You did so badly in your test that you usually felt upset.

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