Block A|
Block B|-------------------------)))applied force acting on Block B
let the Applied force is samller than
the total sum of dynamic(max.) Friction acting on block B...
i.e. No net force acting on block B
But there is a Friction by block B on block A....
it reveals that block A will move while block B remain sationary...
is it true????????????????????????????
however,i have done some exercise stating that 2 blocks will remain sationary,
plz solve my problem!!! Thank You...
in the limiting friction on blockB...
I don't know whether
Friction by block A on block B or
Friction by Ground on block B
has the highest piority in balancing the Applied force,,
Thanks physics8801 for answing my question! However,I don't understand why the determining factor is friction on ground. As we know, Block B has 2 friction acting on it when an applied force is exerted. But in your case,it seems that u ignore the friction by Block A acting on Block B.
Why we could ignore it? Is there any limiting friction given by Block A on Block B? What is the case when the Applied force is larger than all the friction on Block B? I hope u can give more details about it.I am grateful to have you help me.