quieres ser mi amiga

2009-10-31 8:43 pm
有人send message跟我說 quieres ser mi amiga;
姐係點解- -

回答 (3)

2009-11-04 8:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
quieres ser mi amiga. 應該譯成「你想成為我的女性朋友」

quieres 是 querer (希望) 的第二人稱形式
ser 是
mi 我的
amiga 女性朋友﹐ 男性朋友是amigo

因為西班牙語的動詞會依據人稱作變化﹐所以主語時常略去。例如這句就沒有了主詞 tu。
2009-11-04 3:48 pm
It suppose to mean:
Do you want to know my (girl) friend.

Quieres = do you want

ser = to know

amiga = to normal girlfriend (not necessary dating).

About dating:
girl friend = novia
boy friend = novio

novia and novio can also mean husband or fiance.

If you have other Spanish problems, you can go to:

It is a online dictionary and it is really helpful.
參考: Myself (I've learned Spanish for 4 years and I'm in a intermediate level)
2009-10-31 10:00 pm

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