
2009-10-31 6:42 pm

回答 (2)

2009-11-05 8:04 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Temperature.......Height of Fluid
-10 C...................0 cm
T C....................15 cm
110 C..................25 cm
The temperature and height of fluid are in linear relationship.
[T-(-10)] / [110-(-10)] = [15-0] / [25-0]
T = 62 C
If the height of fluid is 25 cm, the temperature is 62C
2009-10-31 7:55 pm
Change of temperature = 110-(-10)'C = 120'C
Give change in length of liquid column = 25 cm
Hence, calibration of thermometer = 120/25 'C/cm = 4.8'C/cm

Temperature when length of column is 15 cm
= 15 x 4.8 'C = 72'C

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