terms 中文譯”詞語”...一個詞語可以用term嗎?

2009-10-30 8:19 am

回答 (4)

2009-10-31 2:45 am
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【WORD】 [C]

a word or expression with a
particular meaning, especially one that is used for a specific subject or type
of language

一個有特別意思的字或詞語 Countable

term是Countable 所以一個詞應用單數的term 多於一則terms

此外 term還有其他的解釋 如下:

a fixed period of
time during which someone does something or something happens

one of the three periods of time that the school or university year is divided

【END】 [singular, U]
technical the
end of a particular period of time

terms [plural]
a) the conditions that are set for an agreement, contract, arrangement

terms [plural]
if you
are on good, bad etc terms with someone, you have a good, bad etc relationship
with them

【NUMBER/SIGN】 [C] technical
one of
the numbers or signs used in a mathematical calculation


in terms of sth
if you explain or describe something in terms of a
particular fact or event, you are explaining or describing it only in relation
to that fact or event

in general/practical/financial etc terms
used to show that you are
describing or considering a subject in a particular way or from a particular
point of view

come to terms with sth
to accept an unpleasant or sad situation and no
longer feel upset or angry about it

terms of reference
formal the subjects that a person or group
of people agree to consider

2009-10-30 18:47:31 補充:

term is a word or expression with a
particular meaning, especially one that is used for a specific subject or type
of language

因為term is a word 所以term可作word字使用

2009-10-30 20:32:27 補充:
雖是如此 但它的解釋是
a word or expression with a
particular meaning, especially one that is used for a specific subject or type
of language
有特別的意思 尤其是用於特殊的學科或語言

2009-10-30 20:32:30 補充:
有特別的意思 尤其是用於特殊的學科或語言

2009-10-30 20:33:34 補充:
打了雙重 抱歉

'Without let or hindrance' is a legal term which means 'freely'.
'Multimedia' is the term for any technique combining sounds and images.
I am not familiar with chemical terms.
2009-10-30 7:52 pm
Term 可作單數,也可作複數,當你只想講一個詞語時,應該用單數 - term。 例如: a chemistry term, a French term。

其實 term 這個字以往通常都指專有名詞或術語 (technical term),根據 Webster 字典,Term其中一個解釋是: "a word or expression that has a precise meaning in some uses or is peculiar to a science, art, profession, or subject",即要有特別含意的詞彙或術語。

但如今 term 已普遍可作 word 字使用,但當然,反過來 word 不一定可作 term 字用,例如冇乜人會講 technical word 或 legal word 而只有 technical term 或 legal term。
2009-10-30 11:20 am


2009-10-30 9:27 am
term can be singular and plural form.
term - a period of time
example: He serves a six-year term as sentor.
terms - arrangements and conditions
example: terms of sales, legal terms.

Go to yahoo dictionary, it helps.

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